Yeahuh, well, it's true, but the entire process is easier said than done. I just always thought i'd make it through my schooling first, but ah well.
PS I've always wanted to be able to box! haha
Yeah, I'm pretty much going to invest in K-Y. It may be the most wanted commodity on the market in a few months. If things keep going the way they are, I see it passing gold, ounce for ounce, by 2011.
Just keep that a secret, I wouldn't want to prematurely cause a rush on Wall Street.
We did the annual family trip on the Polar Express given by the Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad every year. One of those things very much for the kids. As an adult, it is better during those sorts of things to focus on the kids and NOT on the extreme hokiness of it all. Arranging... Read More
That wasn't what I had in mind, lol...I'm not even telling my real-life friends. I'd rather that SG was kept separate from "real life".
I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't approve of SG, so that's something I have to keep a secret. I'm enjoying the good food...I still don't have a lock on my door because they never bothered to put one in (a little girl lived in my room before) but they respect my privacy and knock.
So, my self-diagnosed bronchitis was off a wee bit. Thanksgiving I ended up getting up to go to friends, deciding I needed more sleep, and sleeping until 5PM. After mucking around a bit and determining that my GP wouldn't be in until Monday I figured I might as well head to a local ER and get started on some antibiotics ASAP.
Well I sorta hated to cover up the pic of my daughter, but I s'pose Skoosh has a point and life goes on. Overall my week has exhibited major suck factor - my T1 went down Sunday and I spent 18 hours dealing with that. And that's the good stuff.
Today there was only one cure for what ailed me. I usualy enjoy the fact that my several year running sushi journal is exclusively made up of crappy cell 'phone pics - I feel it adds to the ambiance. Today I felt like taking the platters to the studio. Oh well, priorities won out.
The round in my profile pick is a 5.7x28mm round standing on the edge of my Macbook Pro. I have an FN Five-seveN. I have a dream of one day owning a PS90.
Yeah, Finn did the whole flailing around on his stomach thing for the longest time. But now that he's crawling...christ, I can't even get him to lay down to change his diaper. He's been chasing our poor dog around all day. That and attempting to break everything on the coffee table. What a nut
And you're very welcome for the pictures! I'm just happy you liked them
Yeah yeah I wanted to go as a fat ugly redneck but none of my nice shirts were clean. Evidently even in my nice shirt I was not "dressed" enough and could not walk around looking like I always do.
I found a "compromise", which for me means no one wins and everyone shuts the hell up.
Friday was back. I threw my back out last year so for the first time in a year I did deads. I kept it light - 3X5@315. The first set went up easy but I felt sure my back was gonna pop on me, then it got better toward the end of the... Read More
ya I know. But I am not as sick as I was in Feb. I almost dies. and I have never had a reaction to the flu shot before. She said it could be the stomach flu and not the shot at all. who knows. Spend thousands of money on med school only to say "ummm we dont actually KNOW. sorry" lol
very true... i love knowing button functions blind... worked best in the army days *le sigh*
I just hate being with out my pod casts and music when i am at work at night... it sucks being in silence for 10 hours at a time...
PS I've always wanted to be able to box! haha
Whos there??