The last couple days have been AMAZING. Best St. Patty's Day in a long time. I went to BetteJean and stercusfit's house and made corned beef cooked in Guinness. Oh it was so delicious. It was a real party too. MarieArgo, PookieButt, my friends Regan, Beth, Scott, and JP were all there as well. Afterward we played The Game of Things and...
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Ugh. I hate this feeling of not being able to sleep. I know I need it, but I'm just not tired. I start working full time tomorrow, and they have me working at 6am. I'm totally not looking forward to it. I know I will just be exhausted all day. The worst part about not being able to sleep is all the stuff that just...
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I didn't get much sleep last night, so I'm pretty glad I don't have to work tomorrow. I just couldn't sleep last night, so I got up to play some more Chrono Trigger and watch more Dr. Who. I made the mistake of talking to Mary Jean though. We ended up arguing for about two hours via instant messenger. So when I did try to...
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Enjoy your day off
I saw those, but it was a canon lense, the Canon tent at the Olympics were giving them out to press and photographers and they didn't have the handle, so they looked like actual lenses.
It's about 4 in the morning. I'm hungry and I'm pissed.
I totally see me getting a lot of sleep tonight.
I totally see me getting a lot of sleep tonight.
We usually do DnD on Monday nights, but we decided to do it this Sunday to allow us to have more time and because stercusfit has his scholastic bowl regionals tomorrow. For some reason tonight was really boring. I didn't really do much at all, and I almost dozed off a couple of times. stercusfit did try to get me involved in more of it,...
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I went to go see Alice in Wonderland last night at a midnight showing. I liked it, even though I was a little disappointed. The visuals were stunning. The CGI might have been a little overdone, but I liked most of the character models. The red card soldiers were pretty sweet, and the costuming was pretty amazing. The plot line was pretty predictable, and some...
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I really want to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D. I'm pretty much well aware that it will more then likely be Sweeny Todd with some Alice elements, but I'm okay with that. I just want to see it for the visuals. Because I'm a big Alice in Wonderland fan... and its sad I feel this way about this movie, because there was a point in time in which I would have been creaming my pants to see a new Tim Burton movie because its was a Tim Burton movie... now he's lost all my luster for him. Oh well.
I have fun hanging out. Lets do it again soon!
I have fun hanging out. Lets do it again soon!

I'm rather upset with myself. After seeing the photos that MarieArgo put up of her Lucca costume, I downloaded a SNES emulator and played Chrono Trigger all day. It was far and away my favorite game for the SNES. Now since I didn't actually have a Super Nintendo, I had to play it at my friends house. I would go over there after school and...
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Without fail, every time I hear mention of Chrono Trigger, I *always* hear it said by the Japanese guy they had doing the voice-over in the commercials when it first came out. "Klohno Tliggah!"
Damn I am so fucking broke right now. I haven't had a job for the past three months, so its been difficult for me to pay some of my bills. So they've kinda piled up a bit. But now I have a job, and I'm trying to slowly bring them back under control. I'm finally getting the deposit back from my old apartment which I...
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being frugal is awesome, if you need recipes for casseroles that will give you tasty leftovers for 3-4 days (between me and ryan) let me know.
I really hate my job. I hate working retail. "Hi there. How are you doing today? I have a masters degree. Will that be credit or debit?" I feel like my schooling is being wasted. I'm sorry if I offend people who are in retail, but I really didn't go to school for 7 years to be a cashier. It just seems that every job...
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I only worked in retail for a while (Unless you count working at a theatre... but I think its a bit different... but at time similar) I pretty much hated it, except that I worked at a GameStop. That part was great. However, people are just stupid. I completey understand your bitching, not only because you find retail sucky like I did, but also because no one wants to work a job they hated. That's the reason you went to school for 7 years... was to get a job you liked.
So I started playing Mass Effect 2. FUCKING AWESOME! I was thinking that it kinda sucked that I only had 18 hours of work next week, but now I'm thinking that it's going to give me enough time to beat this game. The first one had an amazing storyline and took a while to finish, and I can see this game is going to be...
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I'm working on a second playthrough, myself. My first one was with a female Shepard (which was the most recently played ME1 character) and I turned her into a renegade slut that has sex with turians. The game is tweaks some of the concepts of the first one, but omits some of the things that made the first one so charming (finite amounts of ammo? BAH!). Still, an all together enjoyable experience, and it's left me panting for the third installment.
I've decided I need to move on and find myself a girlfriend. I'm tired of waiting for something that is NEVER going to happen with Mary Jean. The more I think about it the more it makes sense. I want someone who is nerdy, likes the same kind of music I do, and loves to watch stupid movies. These are things that I love, and...
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Oh, and I totally agree with BetteJean. If you are going to be moving to Chicago, take the time between then and now to just be you. You'd be surprised how that can attract some of the best relationships.
i agree too. about all those things they said. (now i have tatu in my head). being happy is the biggest deal. i never knew that until i got on meds and started being healthy in other ways. and then i re-fell in love and i'm happy and healthy for craig, which makes him love me more which makes me love me more and him more. it's really great. so none of this "i'm pretty used to being alone" stuff. keep with the initial hopeful note of your blog and things will happen by themselves.
I went to go see the St. Louis Arch Rivals roller derby bout. I went with my buddy Fish, his girlfriend, BetteJean, MarieArgo, and PookieButt. It was great, and I really enjoyed seeing some of the fans really get into it. I would love to go again, but I do wish it was a little bit closer.
I rented BioShock 2 for...
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I rented BioShock 2 for...
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I heard Mass Effect 2 is UBER addicting. Yes, that's right. I used the word UBER.