the comforting thing is he really wants to die. he's been sick his whole life having a kidney transplant at the age of 23 and another at 33. robert also has been fighting cancer for thirty years. the sad thing is he's had such a horrible life. my deepest wish for him since he's had to live his whole life in pain is for him to have a peaceful death. but the doctor says it will be a painful one. so regardless of your religion please send your prayers or good mojo for him to die peacefully in his sleep.
when my grandfather was 5 his mother was already dead and his dad said he was going to get a box of detergent and never came back. robert had to eat out of trash cans behind pubs and stores. his spent most his childhood cold and hungry until a family in the neighborhood the bagers took him in around the age of 8 and their son gary and him became like brothers. well, gary died last week and his funeral was a few days ago and it pained my grandfather greatly that he couldn't go to the funeral. my grandfather started working and supporting himself since he was 13 and has had so many health problems i just hope he finds in death what he didn't in life peace.
when my grandfather was 5 his mother was already dead and his dad said he was going to get a box of detergent and never came back. robert had to eat out of trash cans behind pubs and stores. his spent most his childhood cold and hungry until a family in the neighborhood the bagers took him in around the age of 8 and their son gary and him became like brothers. well, gary died last week and his funeral was a few days ago and it pained my grandfather greatly that he couldn't go to the funeral. my grandfather started working and supporting himself since he was 13 and has had so many health problems i just hope he finds in death what he didn't in life peace.
whoa thats so heavy....and horrible and full on and i hope everything is ok for you
That is horribly tragic. I will pray to every god that he is relieved of his pain. I hope somewhere in there, though - he had some happiness. He has you as a friend, after all.