Sometimes the weather remembers that this is the north part of te world and it's supposed to snow now and then, so, even if it's late (1st March!!) it snowes.
And guess who loves snow? Yeah, ME!!
I couldn't find any professional photographer to take some snowy pics, so I had to do by myself, ad here are some results, hope you like them!
I had to use my cheap phone to make those pics, so please forgive the low quality, I truly hope to find a photorapher to work with, nex time.
Has it snowed, where you live? Do you like snow? I also miss so badly my snowboard week, due to my job (and my poorness) I cannot spend my winter time snowboarding, and I guess that now I wouldn't be able to get back on the board without killing myself xD
Do you have any snow related pics or passions? Just let me know!
@rambo , @missy do you like snow too? ❤
A huge hug,