My Dear,
Last homework topic that @rambo @missy and @lyxzen gave us is:
What are 5 things you wish you could tell yourself 5 years ago?
Well, 5 years ago it was year 2012, I was 24 (sigh!) and I was in trouble for my entire life: no work, not even work expetations, messy friends and a stupid boyfriend (we've been together for only few months, thank God xD)
I was having a lot of problems, I couldn't get on well with my family, I had no money which could let me feel indipendent, I felt lonely and ugly (I didn't even ever think about the possibility to get in here). Before that stupid boyfriend I went through some kind of depression, fortunately it was not deep and pathologic, so I could get out by myself.
I used to spend days sleeping and wondering what I could do and finding no answer, and nights on the Internet searchng desperately for a job that I coulnd't find.
I love my hometown Genova, but it's very hard to find a job there.
So, 2012 was not the best year in my life, and here are the 5 things I'd like to tell to the 5-years-ago-me:
You're gonna survive it all. No matter what it takes, no matter how hard it gets, you'll survive and be fine.
You're bautiful, even if that boy you're in love with since 2005 calls you "man" and tells you you're not feminine enough for him. He's a handsome asshole, you'll forget him somehow. Trust me.
Dad is right, try not to eat that much. You're not fat and you're never gonna be FAT, but if you really want that belly botton piercing, well, work on it. (Btw, I don't have any piercing right now... Guess why? xD)
You'll find true friends and love, just stop searching for them and they'll fall into your arms. Cut out tossic people, cut out those who don't trust in you and all those people who want you to be less than them. You are always worth it.
You'll find a job you like, it won't be easy to find and neither easy to do, but you'll like it. You'll find people who appreciate you and your body and your pics, you'll be good at something finally! Your job will let you get a house for rent and, really, you'll be searching for a home to buy. You will grow, one day, and that day you'll look behind and wonder HOW THE FUCK YOU MANAGED TO GET THERE.
Guess what?
I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA ABOUT HOW I GOT HERE, but here I am, and from here life is great. Life is worth it. I am worth it.
Don't you believe me? Look what you'll be doing in 5 years!
(ph: Gialuca Festinese, I'll always be grateful for the pics we took, even if I was there for his wife Adele)
(ph: Adele Scardigno, Gianluca's -almost- wife, a new friend and a great photographer <3 )
Well. my dear 5-years-ago-me, you'll survive and your life will start shining. At the beginning of your 29 it may look a bit late, but better late than never, and it looks it will go on getting better. Stay tuned ♥
And what about you, Dear? What would you tell yourself 5 years ago? Let me know, I'm so curios!! ♥ ♥
With a big, strong hug,