Hi my dears!!
It's been a while, I know, I had some problems with my home internet connection and I cannot upload pics with my phone because it just sucks.
But now I'm here!
I decided to take a look to the homeworks that @missy @lyxzen and @rambo write for us and the last one jumped on my eyes: they want me to talk about my best friend! What can I ask more than this? I feel it like a "welcome back with a working internet connection!"
My best friend is a girl that I met in my ex-dojo, where I started practicing karate, she is a gir that I met when she was between a child and a girl, and she used to think that I was a snob just because I'm not used to talk a lot, and she thought I was putting myself above all others.
Some years ago she was attending the high school and she also faced some sickness that I don't even know what it was, but, long story short, she had ALWAYS a hard headache that made her unable even to open her eyes, so the doctor gave her a goddamn strong medicine, even if she was not even 18, so the headache stopped (more or less), but the rest of her feelings were gone with the headache. She was talking abut nothing, willing to do nothing, loving nothing, and I tried so hard to bring her back, asking her to stop (or, at least, reduce) that medicine, to search for another doctor with another solution as I knew that it wasn't her talking. She also tried to kick me out with bad manners and all the rest, but still I could not leave her there.
Somehow it went better and she stopped that insane cure, and now, every now and then, she remembers my presence in that period of her life and says a tiny, shy and lovely "thank you".
I had my bad periods too, and she's always been with me, trying to bring me on "the right side", I always say that she is my Talking Cricket and I would be lost without her. Every time that I am upset, crying, willing to kill everyone, she can bring me a smile and make me say "fuck it all, I'm alive and I'm with you."
She was there while I was shooting my first set and she is always supporting me in this challenge here on the SG. I also tried to convince her to join me, but with no results.
Our friendship is very strange, as we never went on a holiday together, we never spoke about our "first time", it can pass a long time without texting, we don't listen to the same music, she doesn't like tattoos and I'm thinking about my 5th and 6th ink works, we have so many different ideas on life... Meeting me and than her, without seeing us together, you could think that we would never be friends.
We love eachother for almost 10 years, and that's A LOT. In that time a person can be born, start talking, start go to school and also have his/her first love. During that time we had discussions, months without texting, every thing that can happen between 2 girls (except that we never had a man that the other wanted or had), but we never ever questioned about the love that one feels for the other.
I wish I can convince her to get a couple tattoo about our friendship, she came out with a brilliant idea: one gets a bottle of Gulden Draak (my favourite belgian beer, that she found out she loves it too) and the other gets the full glass of beer. But still, she doesn't want a tattoo on her skin! *me crying*
Here is us, in some selfie-crazyness on the couch:
Isn't she stunning? A strong, curvy, beautiful mediterranean woman. I just love her with all my soul, and I know she knows it.
(Don't miss her Instagram!)
I think it's all, for now, so have a great week end!!
With a big hug,