Ugh. I had a long entry about Fridays resolution to my paycheck problems. Suffice to say that the liberal organization for which I used to work proved itself to be a grotesque stereotype of the party by sitting on their ass and ignoring a problem that could have easily been solved if on Nov. 3rd, someone had called me or my manager and asked what my salary was. Lazy bastards.
Enough of the negative. I was smart and took $200 cash recieved from my check so I could get some Christmas shopping in while my check cleared, and managed to get most of it done yesterday.
It snowed again last night. We haven't gotten much snow here in Maine before Christmas for the last decade. This year, we've consistantly had snow on the ground since the third. I'm kind of weird about snow. I love really cold, snowy weather. I don't ski or snowboard. I just love the challenge of resisting the elements by bundling up. A scarf isnt just a fashion statement up here. I love walking at night in the snow, waching it drift down under street lights, seeing the way the ice crystals reflect the moon and lamp lights and the clouds above reflect the lights of the city. Give me two montsh and I'll be bitching about how much I hate the shit, but for the time being its a beautiful distraction.
Enough of the negative. I was smart and took $200 cash recieved from my check so I could get some Christmas shopping in while my check cleared, and managed to get most of it done yesterday.
It snowed again last night. We haven't gotten much snow here in Maine before Christmas for the last decade. This year, we've consistantly had snow on the ground since the third. I'm kind of weird about snow. I love really cold, snowy weather. I don't ski or snowboard. I just love the challenge of resisting the elements by bundling up. A scarf isnt just a fashion statement up here. I love walking at night in the snow, waching it drift down under street lights, seeing the way the ice crystals reflect the moon and lamp lights and the clouds above reflect the lights of the city. Give me two montsh and I'll be bitching about how much I hate the shit, but for the time being its a beautiful distraction.