First off let me state that I truly hate "Pulp Fiction". Maybe its because everybody shoved pulp fiction down my throat, as if I hadn't seen it before, assuming they were on to something that nobody else had ever seen, well into 1998. Yeah, its got a cool to it, but you can also blame it for "Battlefield Earth" and that peice of shit Shaft remake where Shaft wasn't the black private dick who's a sex machine with all the chicks (*shaft*, right on), but just another brutal cop.
That said, I read a review of Kill Bill this morning, and I can honestly say I want to see that movie badly. Not ROTK badly, but pretty damn badly. You don't often read reviews that give a film four stars, while aluding to disembowlment and fountains of blood spurting out of the the sockets of severed limbs. Now I just need a date.
That said, I read a review of Kill Bill this morning, and I can honestly say I want to see that movie badly. Not ROTK badly, but pretty damn badly. You don't often read reviews that give a film four stars, while aluding to disembowlment and fountains of blood spurting out of the the sockets of severed limbs. Now I just need a date.