can someone write a testamonial about me so i can get in the pen pals group>? thanks love you forever
Awww, you noticed. Thanks. Happy to be back. smile
Yay my computer is here. It is so nice to have something that is up to my standards for web browsing as well as photo/video editing and all the storage. Yes it is good. I am going to repair my old one someday so i can pull the info off of the 2 slave drives but the master is fried and i need to have...
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no computer sucks.... new one should be here 3-5 days after the 20th... damnit ill be back soon. stupid hard drive failures...
you cant put in your own hard drive?..why do you have to wait so long?
kiss glad you are back kiss
20 days later yea me= the worst keep up with your journals ever. Work has been so busy labor day is coming so we need tons of soda for the peoples. Overtime is great and sucks at the same time. On another note my primarily organic and meat diet is working out well. expensive but well. here is a kick in the balls though, i...
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organic milk, whats the difference, and do you notice a taste difference?....that sucks that they left it out, make them buy you a new one!
Yea Hi. Thank you all of my wonderful friends who give me shit everyday because i work tuesday - sunday and i am always too tired to do anything but on sunday night when i say lets go do shit you guys go have a drink or two then say ok dude im out peace... Fuckin ell mate's fucken ell
Holy shit it has been hot. We had a problems in the plann with the mahcines going over 50 degres celcius internally where they are air conditioned. I have been like exhausted for the whole week. I just want to go to like a lake or the beach and chill in the water for a day. me a beautiful lady and just relaxation. Sad thing...
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well i cut my hair

pictures in my gallery Hair

yea its quite a change
very bold indeed, sir. but i like it!!!
Woot update and it hasnt been a month. Shit has been terrible Grandpa is not recovering too well and still in the Horsepital 16 days now. Not good. I put my truck in the shop to have my new clutch put in, somehting i am well in grasp of doing myself but just not cappable of because of time restraints with us going to daytona...
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I had 2 myspace stalkers, I didn't think it was all that fun though. Perhaps you'll have some and it'll be more pleasing for you.
aw thnks for mentioning me in the "eyes" thread on the boards biggrin x
Yea well its been over a month so time to post? Life has been crazy hectic My grandfatehr is in the hospital recovering from intestine surgery. I have been majorly fighting with my dad who also is a tenant in my grandparents house here, my new job pays very well but is extremely tiring. I did get complimented on my use of the word breasticals...
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well this week has been pretty fun. I have got to explore this wonderful place more and just relax. The jobless transition week has been pretty wierd but all in all very cool. My girlie has joined the SG addiction and has managed to get more comments and more friends than me in like 2 days, Le sigh. anyways i believe its time for a...
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thankyou SO much for the comment on my sonic and tails set! I'm sorry that it has taken me over a month to get back to you! I didn't have much free time as I was about to finish university. But reading through all my comments is just great smile
I heart you because you used the word "breasticals".
I thought only I used that word! (If it is even considered a word)

The End.