Okay, here are some LASIK pictures...
Me and a dear friend right before the surgery...waiting for the Valium to kick in...
I think that's me...kind of looks like me...but after THREE VALIUMS I don't really remember...
My little sister showing true family humor...only we could think that this was a good photo op...
The two days out...us on the way to Camelback Mt. for some snowboarding (not me, of course, I knitted in the lounge and hungout in the lodge bar with all the folks...who hangs out in ski lodge bars? Well, it's an interesting group...)
Three days out...
And, for those of you who think that these things are FABULOUSLY COOL...William Wallace's sword is on display in Grand Central Station this week in celebration of Tartan Week! It's the first time that the sword has been outside of Scotland. It is also the 700th anniversary of when they whacked him to bits... I'm going to see it. Anyone want to go with? Also, anyone up for the tartan day parade tomorrow?
Me and a dear friend right before the surgery...waiting for the Valium to kick in...

I think that's me...kind of looks like me...but after THREE VALIUMS I don't really remember...

My little sister showing true family humor...only we could think that this was a good photo op...

The two days out...us on the way to Camelback Mt. for some snowboarding (not me, of course, I knitted in the lounge and hungout in the lodge bar with all the folks...who hangs out in ski lodge bars? Well, it's an interesting group...)

Three days out...

And, for those of you who think that these things are FABULOUSLY COOL...William Wallace's sword is on display in Grand Central Station this week in celebration of Tartan Week! It's the first time that the sword has been outside of Scotland. It is also the 700th anniversary of when they whacked him to bits... I'm going to see it. Anyone want to go with? Also, anyone up for the tartan day parade tomorrow?
i'll be watching the door, waiting for your arrival to play your song.