20 Things You Now Know About Me
1. I am the oldest of 7 kids. The youngest will be 11 in February he and I share a birthday month. It was me and then three boys for a long time. Maybe that is why I generally get along with guys better than girls.
2. I went to 5 colleges before finishing my undergraduate but that was The Plan. I spent one semester at each of 4 undergraduate institutions for the first 2 years of my programstudying in one particular field that that school was strongest in ie, Marine Biology at UNC-Wilmington. I had The Plan pre-approved before I started it because my goal was to graduate from Columbia University in NYCwhich I didwith over 220 creditsI only needed I think 127. At least Im well-rounded Im this close to having minors in biology, English, sociology and philosophylike one class away in each last time I looked it up. That is kind of freaky.
3. I broke my back when I was 15. Riding accident. It was nasty. I dont remember it...or much of the next few months. I have seen it on video though.
4. I hate talking on the phone. Hate it. I make exceptions for few people. I dont understand people who dont have cell phones though. That's just weird.
5. I technically delivered 4 of my 6 siblings in NC, the person who cuts the cord is the name that goes down on the birth certificate as the person who delivered the baby. Talk about a great way to hold something over your siblings heads.
6. Cheese and peanut butter are friggin great together.
7. I was stuck in a house in East Hampton during the 2003 NYC Blackout with a brand new BMW, a swimming pool, alone in a killer summer house with a cellar of fabulous wine and a watermellowand I was SO JEALOUS that I couldnt be in the City experiencing a blacked out Times Square with my friends.
8. The first thing I notice on a guy are his teeth. If I cant see his teeth right away and hes tall and really pale and kind of thin (not too thin) and has a lot of really awesome tattoos then Ill just stare at him trying to catch a glimpse of his teeth. I love really beautiful teeth on a hottie man.
9. I was a really competitive swimmer until I got to collegebut even though I spent almost 3 hours in the water everyday sometimes more I hated to swim the backstroke because of the water that would splash my faceI still hate washing my face in the showerfor the same reason.
10. Im a certified scuba-diver: Ive been diving with sharks; Im certified to dive in caves; Ive dived WWII wrecks off of NC; Ive had a scuba accident when my dive buddy got tangled in fishing line while diving a wreck in NC and he went bonkers and tried to take my regulator (the thing you breath off of) I had to force him off me.
11. I love cold nights when you leave the windows open and have sex over and over and over until you fall asleep in the middle of another round and then get woken up when your snuggling bed fellow wakes you up with another round. Yeah, thats nice.
12. I had a bread company for almost three years It paid for my first year at Columbia. I loved it. Fresh, homemade bread makes people so happy. And lord knows it is the best smell on earth.
13. I love to hangout in the Travel section of Barnes&Nobles I meet the most interesting people there. Either people who have been to someplace awesome or who are going to someplace awesome or who want to go to someplace awesomeyou NEVER meet boring people in the Travel section of a bookstore.
14. I totally comfy modeling anything until a photographer starts saying perfect! just like that! thats even better! then I start blushing and get all shy for a second. For that matter, I was really uptight and uncomfortable with my body until about two years ago. HA! Not anymore
This is a blatant plug for Idjiit and tmronin who shot my Hopeful's Subway Set
15. I almost failed Masterpiece of Western Art in college. Its the only grade below an A- I ever got. It was a C+. It was a difficult experience. I dont even know what to say about that now.
16. I've told someone that I love them and really wasn't in love; I've been in love with someone and not told them. Sometimes I don't know which is worse.
17. If I eat mashed potatoes and beans at a meal I always mix them together into a mash. It looks gross, but it tastes awesome!
18. Im allergic to something in my parents home.
19. I have a hypo-thyroid...I quit taking medications recently and have to control it through what amounts to a low-carb diet...or go back on meds...I hate taking meds...they aren't sure how long the meds works anyway...so why do that when you can just give up bread and be okay?
20. I love to shop at the Salvation Army. I get an odd feeling when I find peoples old wedding pictures there.
Pictures From Skryche's B-Day!
The b-day boy himself...
...it was raining like crazy that night...I was SOAKING WET when I got there...
...me and luna...
...the Cake!...
...the blowing of the candles...
My Boobies
Thanks to Mle...
1. I am the oldest of 7 kids. The youngest will be 11 in February he and I share a birthday month. It was me and then three boys for a long time. Maybe that is why I generally get along with guys better than girls.
2. I went to 5 colleges before finishing my undergraduate but that was The Plan. I spent one semester at each of 4 undergraduate institutions for the first 2 years of my programstudying in one particular field that that school was strongest in ie, Marine Biology at UNC-Wilmington. I had The Plan pre-approved before I started it because my goal was to graduate from Columbia University in NYCwhich I didwith over 220 creditsI only needed I think 127. At least Im well-rounded Im this close to having minors in biology, English, sociology and philosophylike one class away in each last time I looked it up. That is kind of freaky.
3. I broke my back when I was 15. Riding accident. It was nasty. I dont remember it...or much of the next few months. I have seen it on video though.
4. I hate talking on the phone. Hate it. I make exceptions for few people. I dont understand people who dont have cell phones though. That's just weird.
5. I technically delivered 4 of my 6 siblings in NC, the person who cuts the cord is the name that goes down on the birth certificate as the person who delivered the baby. Talk about a great way to hold something over your siblings heads.
6. Cheese and peanut butter are friggin great together.
7. I was stuck in a house in East Hampton during the 2003 NYC Blackout with a brand new BMW, a swimming pool, alone in a killer summer house with a cellar of fabulous wine and a watermellowand I was SO JEALOUS that I couldnt be in the City experiencing a blacked out Times Square with my friends.
8. The first thing I notice on a guy are his teeth. If I cant see his teeth right away and hes tall and really pale and kind of thin (not too thin) and has a lot of really awesome tattoos then Ill just stare at him trying to catch a glimpse of his teeth. I love really beautiful teeth on a hottie man.
9. I was a really competitive swimmer until I got to collegebut even though I spent almost 3 hours in the water everyday sometimes more I hated to swim the backstroke because of the water that would splash my faceI still hate washing my face in the showerfor the same reason.
10. Im a certified scuba-diver: Ive been diving with sharks; Im certified to dive in caves; Ive dived WWII wrecks off of NC; Ive had a scuba accident when my dive buddy got tangled in fishing line while diving a wreck in NC and he went bonkers and tried to take my regulator (the thing you breath off of) I had to force him off me.
11. I love cold nights when you leave the windows open and have sex over and over and over until you fall asleep in the middle of another round and then get woken up when your snuggling bed fellow wakes you up with another round. Yeah, thats nice.
12. I had a bread company for almost three years It paid for my first year at Columbia. I loved it. Fresh, homemade bread makes people so happy. And lord knows it is the best smell on earth.
13. I love to hangout in the Travel section of Barnes&Nobles I meet the most interesting people there. Either people who have been to someplace awesome or who are going to someplace awesome or who want to go to someplace awesomeyou NEVER meet boring people in the Travel section of a bookstore.
14. I totally comfy modeling anything until a photographer starts saying perfect! just like that! thats even better! then I start blushing and get all shy for a second. For that matter, I was really uptight and uncomfortable with my body until about two years ago. HA! Not anymore

This is a blatant plug for Idjiit and tmronin who shot my Hopeful's Subway Set
15. I almost failed Masterpiece of Western Art in college. Its the only grade below an A- I ever got. It was a C+. It was a difficult experience. I dont even know what to say about that now.
16. I've told someone that I love them and really wasn't in love; I've been in love with someone and not told them. Sometimes I don't know which is worse.
17. If I eat mashed potatoes and beans at a meal I always mix them together into a mash. It looks gross, but it tastes awesome!
18. Im allergic to something in my parents home.
19. I have a hypo-thyroid...I quit taking medications recently and have to control it through what amounts to a low-carb diet...or go back on meds...I hate taking meds...they aren't sure how long the meds works anyway...so why do that when you can just give up bread and be okay?
20. I love to shop at the Salvation Army. I get an odd feeling when I find peoples old wedding pictures there.
Pictures From Skryche's B-Day!
The b-day boy himself...

...it was raining like crazy that night...I was SOAKING WET when I got there...

...me and luna...

...the Cake!...

...the blowing of the candles...

My Boobies
Thanks to Mle...

How's it going?
i just got the basic knitting lesson! i have no idea how to stop though hahaha. come play with us!