fishing trip.
i hate fishing.. i hate hooks, i hate seeing fish gasping for somethign to breathe. thankfully they didnt catch anything
i got to make the fire though
i hate fishing.. i hate hooks, i hate seeing fish gasping for somethign to breathe. thankfully they didnt catch anything
i got to make the fire though
i know, i know. . .
*pokes you and shuffles off to bed*
early start tomorrow, apparently, i'll be out of here before bloody 9am. . . don't quite know how i'm going to get UP for that time, but. . that's the plan. apparently. still a lot of painting to be done, but i think i'll say 'look, i'll do the rest' around lunchtime, and just get the bed and stuff built up. . . the less i'm there WITH her the better, i need time there on my own to. . get used to the place, you know?
*scratches head*
i also just plain need time to myself. but yeah, that's my plan. i don't intend on being back late tomorrow, and if i state that i want to get everything done alone, i should be able to. . . well, not be RUSHIng all the painting that nees to be done, which'll save me twiddling my thumbs ONCE i move. . . i eman waht's the hurry to do this stuff that i can be doing after i'm there?
anyway. . . jesus there's like two new pages of hopefuls and none of those sets really. . . have anything *confused face* weird. . . . except for this one. . . which is pretty nice, but of course will do nothing for you
you're so hard to please.. .
anyway. . . *prod* new journal. even if i am the only bloody person talking to you *sigh* people, huh?