this morning is starting out pretty weird.
first, i was going to grab my bike..
but there were badgers everywhere. sniffing, growling, and humming the birthday song
there was no way i could reach my bike..
so i thought i'd take the bus.
that was too scary.
so i head back to the flat, and the badger coob
reminded me
"it's brock's birthday!"
memorandom's birthday today!
happy birthday, sweetie!! may all the badgers find ye out and take you for some chinese food
first, i was going to grab my bike..
but there were badgers everywhere. sniffing, growling, and humming the birthday song

there was no way i could reach my bike..
so i thought i'd take the bus.
that was too scary.

so i head back to the flat, and the badger coob

"it's brock's birthday!"
memorandom's birthday today!
happy birthday, sweetie!! may all the badgers find ye out and take you for some chinese food

poor sid
you really are funny, hon, you know that? and wonderful and weird. make more videos, eh? they're fun. i'll make some too, eh? when. . . i CAN *rolls eyes*
sweden is going to get richer? i think that contradicts the fact that there's a mass influx of immigrants, that usually leads to a fucking recession, not a growth of necessary industry and trade to MAKE a country richer. sweden needs to start exporting more than saabs and volvos if they want to move OUT of the eighties. and make some decent movies
that said, your movies are the best, kiddo