da weekend's here! yey!
im babysitting my folk's apartment while theyre away doing god knows what, for a few days..
i can play home alone, can't i?
um.. this is my to do list
1 play with matches
2 run with scissors...
3 download porn
3 stop running with scissors so i dont hurt myself
4 NOT water their plants, so they DIE.
5 NOT feed their fish, so they also die.
6 eat the whole content of their fridge
7 play good music to confuse the neighbours (my parents usually play a lot of fear factory and rammstein)
8 look at some of my favorite SG girls, talk some naughtiness with my bf and take a shower with my vibrator.
9 feed the fish, so i can live with myself
10 think of some more home-alone stuff to do.. this is a pathetic list..
any suggestions?

im babysitting my folk's apartment while theyre away doing god knows what, for a few days..
i can play home alone, can't i?
um.. this is my to do list
1 play with matches
2 run with scissors...
3 download porn
3 stop running with scissors so i dont hurt myself
4 NOT water their plants, so they DIE.
5 NOT feed their fish, so they also die.
6 eat the whole content of their fridge
7 play good music to confuse the neighbours (my parents usually play a lot of fear factory and rammstein)
8 look at some of my favorite SG girls, talk some naughtiness with my bf and take a shower with my vibrator.
9 feed the fish, so i can live with myself
10 think of some more home-alone stuff to do.. this is a pathetic list..
any suggestions?

*shakes head*
aren't there nough fricking sites in swedish? *prod* see when i raise my army and take over the world, your fair country is going the way of atlantis, dear
how did i find the bubbies? i looked, dear, same way i always do. they even have t-shirts on the site, which i foudn rather humorous with 'bubbies' in big letters *smirk*
yes, so, i also had another thought - that potentially hulk's warbound will get carried away and start killing people and some banner part of hulk will just snap and start fiighting them instead and some banner/hulk levelling in their brain will happen, and he'll feel all remorseful, he'll save a whole lot of people from some catastrophe, becoming a hero of the people again, further villifying stark and co, possibly making SHIELD look like assholes, then there'll be a big 'all is forgiven' moment but he'll just go off on his own again. . . just a thought.
i have no idea what's going to happen next with amadeus cho, i really don't. damn it
it goes without saying incidentally that your mother's side of teh family is nicer. i figured that one out a long time ago, even before the 'more coffee? more coffee?' incident.
ah yes, tea is more my thing:
so pretty, yes. fill your favourites, dear
Brka ver ideologi knner man sig nstan lite fr gammal fr, bara indoktrinerade ntter som pysslar med snt...eller dom f gngerna man r full