As it happens my car is suffering from a collapsed spring in the left rear. The shop is at can get it done and for about $200 which is roughly half of what I was expecting to pay. sadly, what I saved in money I have to pay in time so instead of getting my car back Sunday or today I have to wait till Thursday or possibly Friday depending on what time the parts arrive. Ah the joys of owning an older car.
As promised BEWBS!
Ok, if you say so. I don't fix cars. It's just what I've heard --fixing new cars are supposedly a bigger pain bc of the extra electrical shit.
@ADELINA Well to be fair the electronics are a monster pain in the ass. Diagnosing problems is a major headache especially if the problem is intermittent because I'll be damned if the problem doesn't show up when the customer brings it back over and over and over again. When I think of fixing I think of actually turning wrenches and that's not really any different. But yeah if the problem is one the many, many sensors or the computer then mechanics start grabbing shotguns and loosing their shit.