Okay, so I had some writing assignments for comp2, and I really did not expect to find myself reading a pro-feminist(esque) article today. Before I get started, please allow me to indulge the mundane for a second, and illustrate briefly the entirety of my position: I do not admire feminine women; the kind of girl that is gentle and squeaky and bounces around like so...
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Hrm. Thanks?
Who on earth could ever love ME? Seriously. I am perhaps the most egotistical, self centered, selfish, uncaring, forgetful person one could ever meet. Crap. Now whoever reads this will believe that I am fishing for the "oh no, you are wonderful!" comments. Incorrect. I just don't have any real desire to please other people, except only as a side effect when fucking....
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Who on earth could ever love ME? Seriously. I am perhaps the most egotistical, self centered, selfish, uncaring, forgetful person one could ever meet. Crap. Now whoever reads this will believe that I am fishing for the "oh no, you are wonderful!" comments. Incorrect. I just don't have any real desire to please other people, except only as a side effect when fucking....
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dankeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!du bist so lieb....
ich liebe dich auch...
Internet. The vast age of information has seemingly opened its veritable legs WIDE the fuck open to the entire goddamned world, with exception only to the high mountains of bumfuck Germany.
What I mean to say, and I will make this quite plain -is that I had better INTERNET SERVICE while living in Bagdad, Iraq then I do here in the wilds...
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Internet. The vast age of information has seemingly opened its veritable legs WIDE the fuck open to the entire goddamned world, with exception only to the high mountains of bumfuck Germany.
What I mean to say, and I will make this quite plain -is that I had better INTERNET SERVICE while living in Bagdad, Iraq then I do here in the wilds...
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Artistic Banners, Inspiration
I liked your comment, haha. Nice picture in your blog So what's cookin' good lookin'?
hello, honey. how're you<3
I've been thiiinking.
I would be popping Advil to relieve the hangover about this time if I wasn't in the middle of a desert right now. I miss the Florida sun, the night life. I really want to get a few beers in me and just walk through the clubs, flirting and playing....making out with a complete stranger and sipping on some expensive scotch late...
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I would be popping Advil to relieve the hangover about this time if I wasn't in the middle of a desert right now. I miss the Florida sun, the night life. I really want to get a few beers in me and just walk through the clubs, flirting and playing....making out with a complete stranger and sipping on some expensive scotch late...
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Thanks for the comments on my 1st set!
I edited my profile. I do not know why, but whenever I try to add my location, it denies my attempt to save and erases all of my data. And so, I shall leave it blank. For the record, however...I live in Baumholder, Germany, which is not too far (about 50km) from Kaiserslautern. I am an American, in the Army, and returning to the United...
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hahahaha...good point!!!
thanks for coment in my set pink diamod...kissssss
thanks for coment in my set pink diamod...kissssss