Zomg. Another day another, well you know. The play this weekend went great. So now I'm no to greater things.
Well, the show went off without a hitch. I'm glad I did it. I have been approached by some people interested in hiring me for some indie film work. huzzah.
I'm playing Falstaff in "Merry Wives of Windsor" in Danbury CT tomorrow night. If you're around you should visit me and we should get a drink after the show.
So I got an email to come back to this site after a long while. So I said yes. Here I am. I'm still an actor. I'm still busy. I'm also Falstaff. I should say I'm performing Falstaff. It'll be a good time. If you're in the Danbury, CT area and you like Shakespeare come see me!
Thank you so much for leave a comment on my set <3
So... I'm totally infatuated with a girl I've never met. Well, I kind of met her... but only through the internet. I'm not totally sure why I'm as attracted to her as I am. I'm not even sure if she is attracted to me. How does on-line dating really work anyway? She is someone who I'm really enjoying getting to know, but when should I...
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welp had a good night, wish you were there. :-P no pics though. :-(
good god. i'm now 2. I'm no longer at mid-twenties guy... I'm now a late-twenties guy. lol I'll be partying it up quite soon. there will be drunk-phone pics... lol
Another post.

I'm celebrating a birthday very soon. Saturday. April 5th. That's my birthday.
This may sound very emo of me, but i have this feeling that I'm going to be ditched on that night. You see, I planned a party at my beach house. I just have a feeling that no one will show... Not that I'm not a liked person, just cause they...
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Huzah! I like that word. I dunno why... I supposed because it evokes some sort of emotion that makes onewant to "sally forth" as it were. So... HUZAH! I'm off to gamble... Well actually I'm off to see some boxing, the gambling will be an after effect i suppose.