Hurrah, last day of work before vacation!
First and foremost, I want to send a HUGE-MUNGUS thank you to whosyourlibra. Much to my surprise, I came home to a package last night, and opened it to find The Gourmet Cookbook and a note wishing me a happy birthday. Libra, darling, you're too generous. I sincerely thank you, and so does Dan since he'll be on the receiving end of the benefits.
My friends are too good to me.
So when I got home from work last night, my intentions to go to the gym were instantly shattered the moment my head hit the pillow. I was just going to lie down and cuddle with my keens for a lil' bit...but I knew as soon as I was horizontal that it just wasn't meant to be. So I slept for an hour and a half, surrounded by warm kitties. Bliss. Then Dan's friend Arya came over to exchange gifts and have some sushi. We watched some random TV, and when Arya left, we were pretty much ready to pass out. So we did.
This Jem album is REALLY GOOD.
Work shouldn't be too insane today. On my 'lunchbreak' I have to make a quick run up to the Holiday Market for a last minute gift purchase, then Gay Nick is stopping by my office for a lil' bit to exchange gifts and talk of Christmas past. Tonight I have yet another work party (evidently stylists/colorists/assistants REALLY like to get their party on), for which I have again been selected to DJ. I apparently have great taste in music! Take that, babe.
Tomorrow afternoon we fly out to Buffalo to celebrate the birth of our lord and savior (
) with Dan's family. My Dad and Jolly Polish Grandmother (Babci) will be driving down from Toronto to join us for dinner on XMas day, since we Polaks celebrate the night before. Yay! I haven't seen my Dad in a while.
And I think that pretty much does it. Everyone go PayPal some cash to Chloe and Trixie so's they can get to NY already.
Happy Holidays, kids!

First and foremost, I want to send a HUGE-MUNGUS thank you to whosyourlibra. Much to my surprise, I came home to a package last night, and opened it to find The Gourmet Cookbook and a note wishing me a happy birthday. Libra, darling, you're too generous. I sincerely thank you, and so does Dan since he'll be on the receiving end of the benefits.

My friends are too good to me.

So when I got home from work last night, my intentions to go to the gym were instantly shattered the moment my head hit the pillow. I was just going to lie down and cuddle with my keens for a lil' bit...but I knew as soon as I was horizontal that it just wasn't meant to be. So I slept for an hour and a half, surrounded by warm kitties. Bliss. Then Dan's friend Arya came over to exchange gifts and have some sushi. We watched some random TV, and when Arya left, we were pretty much ready to pass out. So we did.
This Jem album is REALLY GOOD.
Work shouldn't be too insane today. On my 'lunchbreak' I have to make a quick run up to the Holiday Market for a last minute gift purchase, then Gay Nick is stopping by my office for a lil' bit to exchange gifts and talk of Christmas past. Tonight I have yet another work party (evidently stylists/colorists/assistants REALLY like to get their party on), for which I have again been selected to DJ. I apparently have great taste in music! Take that, babe.

Tomorrow afternoon we fly out to Buffalo to celebrate the birth of our lord and savior (

And I think that pretty much does it. Everyone go PayPal some cash to Chloe and Trixie so's they can get to NY already.
Happy Holidays, kids!

hope your holidays and shiny and sparkly

I've been thinking about taking a trip to NY. I'll definately let you know when that happens and we are SO hanging out!