what went so wrong in such a short amount of time?
are you ok? you still have my #? You can call me whenever you want you know.
well, not a lot are quite as awesome as me and I look forward to seeing you up here soon!

hm, its been a little while. ive got to get up
and get ready for work.
but my bed is just so comfortable.
i went to crue fest which sucked other
than the people i went with and the fact
that it was motley crue. but they barely
played anything and vince was
super trashed and forgot lyrics
which was kinda to be expected.

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i am fucking frustrated right now.
definitely pmsing. everything is pissing
me off right now. especially the bf.
eventho im retarded about him.
right now i just want to PUNCH
him in the face. hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i need to do laundry today. and i think
i might look into getting a live journal
again. i miss those a lot.
i started my new job yesterday. it was amazing.
im actually going to make money here.
for once in my life. and i LOVE the place.
im learning about the people, but i think i like
them too. i definitely like the benefits.

im getting tattooed one day this week. really excited.
i cant wait. this is a big week, everything is
FINALLY coming together...
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Well that is definately something interesting.

im so happy. here comes the money.

everything is falling into place for once
in my life. FOR ONCE! nothing had better
ruin this for me. any of it. im too happy.
i deserve it too much.
my boyfriend is in jail. ha.
for one night. haha.
for a dui. hahaha

but... i miss him... frown

and i LOVE katy perry.
He broke the golden rule.....He got caught.
i cant wait to go visit my friends up in portland
again. august bitches. i love being home and im
really happy here but i miss everyone
up there. and dru is coming with me! YAY.
or at least he better. we are saving for it.
anyways, bored. out. come get a haircut.
Portland is rocking right now!
I love this place. A tad hot yesterday and today, but pently of places to cool off.
I'm thinking about hitting the Bagdad later for a pint and a flick. Now it's off to the pool and then to a birthday party. I fucking love having summers off!
i am hungry and bored.

i want to have the day off. this blows.

or at least the first half of the day.

dear and the headlights at the clubhouse
TONIGHT. im going. totally. love
i am bored. looking for a new job blows.
why cant someone just call me with an
offer. i have to go LOOK? haha wtf.

those are my feelings on the subject as well.