- on Nature Nudes For The Homeless in sg hopefuls
- on damsel's video
- on jmann81's post on brinly's page
- on brinly's blog post
- on brinly's album
- on Instagram anyone?! in sg hopefuls
I hope you all are staying warm :)
Hello Darlings :)
Remember that little shoot I was telling you about a month ago? Well I finally got a few pictures.. ^^This one up here is the best I think.. They were a bit dramatic for my taste but it was a really fun time and we were just shooting to mess around anyhow.
I disappeared for a while.. Sorry my account was inactive..
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Hey guys! I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween! I've been meaning to get on here and check out everyones costumes. SG always has good ones xx
Anyhow I'm still struggling to figure out the new set up here on the site. I don't much like change and I'm finding it a bit hard to navigate. I want to post pictures so we will...
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That's right. I'm shooting my first nude set tomorrow. I'm pretty excited :) It's for a friend to practice his editing/lighting skills but I'm still excited. I have no idea what to wear!! Oh wait, yes I do ;p
I find it fitting I should write a blog about getting a makeover just as Suicide Girls decides to get one of their own ;)
I haven't had time yet to play around and figure out all the bells and whistles...
What I did find however, were my old blogs and photos from these past several years. I began my SG journey in 2008, so...
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Though that was a little older update. I should probably make another.
Yep, new to the bay. and for sure, always love talking about photography.
The chicago nat history museum is incredible. But i'm really stoked to get to go to the science museum here in the park. I haven't had time to do anything since i've gotten here =(

The family time turned out to be alright in the end. Just a little bickering and we were on our way.

It's been a nice ride these last 5 years. At one point I tried to work for SG, I loved this place. Can't really say I've made too many friends on here though. Maybe a select few but everyone lives fairly far from me. Still I wish you all the best. October 12th will be my last day with...
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Hope you keep rocking the good work and have a great day