If you had "Ten Minutes" alone with that one person;

What would you say?

What would you do?

What would you want them to say?

What would you want them to do?

Would you waste it on things and words that don't matter, or would you seize the MOMENT and change both your lives?
The problem

... is not the lies or the rumors being told.

The problem is the lies and rumors being believed.

You can not control what anyone will say, do or think, so it should not effect you.
A Perfect Moment Of Clarity,

It's 3:00am and you, the most beautiful woman I have ever know is sitting in the rocking chair that I made for you. Your holding our first child, it's a baby girl, prefect in every way; she has your eyes, and everyone likes to say that it's a good thing that she looks like you. (everyone makes that joke, ha...
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My Valentines Wish

-When you awoke I was already in my favorite part, You giggled "what a perfect way for the day to start."
-Roses say the most when they're red, Leaving you even for work is something I dread.
-I snuck them in the house late last night, It wasn't easy but I waited for the moment to be right.
-With breakfast while you...
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Christmas with Alyssa's Beautiful Blue Esyes.

When we first met I fell so very fast; I've waited and finally Christmas is here at last.
We'll need our first tree to decorate; Just think about the memories it will create.
Ornaments will take years to find; Each one will hold thoughts locked in time.
The tree is only one important step; We still have lots of...
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My nurse friend sent this and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree. If everyone can remember something this simple,
we could save some folks. Seriously..
Please read:
During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little fall, she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics)..... she said she had just tripped over a...
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Brian sends his condolences to the "Suicide Girls" on their recent loss. As long as you live on; so will her memory