A.A.A. #2

We have this perfect dream,
In it, we can say exactly what we mean

Seeing you clears the confusion,
Every thought ends with the same conclusion.

In our life, we need you to stay,
We look up to you in every way.

Dont you ever forget who the hell you are,
You have worked too damb hard and have come way too far....
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A.A.A. #1

For all the things weve not said and left hanging,
because it wasnt the right time, we kept you waiting.

Forgive us and allow us to correct that without haste,
it was our mistake to let those moments go to waste.

Friendship is a journey best shared with someone like you,
together through the good times and the bumpy ones too.

As we...
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Happy Valentines day, SG

I am addicted to you all; on the edge of my seat sitting up tall
I have been on the site for a while; Love the way each girl has her own style.
Every day there are new pictures and sets; each one causing "THINGS" to rocket up like jets.
I've never appreciated tatoos as much as I now do; your...
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Accountability; a powerful word. Words have become so powerful and are taken so literally that their impact on others can have severe consequences. With the degrees and definitions of words being so absolute; they have become weapons, used to attack people and define them in the minds of others. Is it possible to foresee all outcomes of what we say, before we...
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My Valentines Wush 2009.

I woke up early today to carry out; my plan for what will be without a doubt.
The best Valentines day you have ever had; I've kept it secret and hope that your not mad.
I played like I forgot but that's wrong; but even if you believed it, you won't for long.
There's not a thing that you need to...
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So Beautifully perfect; making them so impossible to understand and live without. ( "period" because in all my years that's all I know for sure)

Pick A Side, Make A Stand, Speak Out, Be Counted ! When we you were young did you get into trouble for doing or speaking about something you believed in? Is that how you raise you children now? Right and Wrong means different things to different people. In today's world it's hard to tell one from the other. What's right today may not be...
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Yes you, Beautiful, Hardworking, and Smart; your Sexy and Capable, a total "Work of Art".
I sat and pretended not to watch you; walking, talking, dancing while laughing too.
You command the room when you walk in; the attention you want, you instantly win.
They all want to know who you are; little do they know, that you are an unknown...
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I am destructive and my appetite for consumption is relentless,
I am combative and my thirst for battle is instinctive,
I am full of hate and rage and it will bring upon my own destruction,
I am fearful and untrusting and you can see it in the way I treat my fellow humans,
I am the only species on this planet that...
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Being yourself !!! ( I spent years trying to be cool, I just never got there. )