Just about killed myself yesterday trying to complete an illustration for San Francisco's Bay Guardian... teach me to take on last minute illo jobs. Moneky head being dissected in a lab? NO PROBLEM! How hard can that be?
9 hours and six drafts later, I finally crawled into bed. Not really looking forward to the critique it's bound to get from the art director.
9 hours and six drafts later, I finally crawled into bed. Not really looking forward to the critique it's bound to get from the art director.
it coulda been worse. they coulda asked for TWO monkey heads......
Dude, let us know when it runs. Assignments like that can kill. Yet you can rock. And we can tell you that. More comics and cartoon people should share their illo experiences. That work might be where the money is. Ans there may be ways to seek that money that don't suck.