It's the beginning of the baseball season and I think I need to explain VORP. This is a great baseball term that can be adapted for regular life. In baseball, VORP is value of replacement player. Basically, if you put someone else in to play for this player, would your team be better or worse. Now, we all have that person in our life, either personal or work, with whom your life would better without or you'd die without. What sucks is the Jerry Maguire syndrome where you think you're life is better because this person is in your life, but everyone else around you knows this person sucks for you. When you tell you're friend that they need to find someone else and it makes them just suck on tighter. How about when you know that you'd be better with someone else but you can't bring yourself to leave. I know, I'm all over the place, but it thoughts are stuck in my head.
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It's the beginning of the baseball season and I think I need to expla…