Wow, so, I have not written a blog on here in almost a year. Havent been on here much at all in the past year, really.

Anyhow, update time!!

I graduated college. WHEW!

work as management at some big place

have done 13 flesh hook suspensions (about to do my 14th this weekend).

looking for some boy to make me happy. or enhance my happiness....
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I DID MY 5TH SUSPENSION, A 4PT KNEE SUSPENSION. and due to ripping, got my first stitches ever.

It ended up being around 4am when I went up, which was much later than I wanted. and I was only the 5th one to go up that night.

knees, are awesome. such a different experience. there was constant awareness of the hooks while i was up,...
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WOW you must be the toughest person in Madison.
I thihnk we are myspace friends
So I am really fuckin proud of myself. I did a Suicide Suspension for the first time at 3am on February 4th.

I was excited when steve asked me if i wanted to go with and watch the suspensions, but I did not expect a chance to go up.

But I did!!!

I had 4 hooks in my back and I got suspended. I cant...
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I don't have a membership to Apnea's site yet, but I plan to get one eventually... I just love her! I try to get as many magazines that feature her as I can too... which isnt always so easy... anyways...
I think the suspending that you are talking about in your journal is awesome, just don't think I would ever be able to do it lol biggrin
where did you get it done?