i was going to complete so many tasks yesterday, and then i started watching porn...damn porn. I promised myself i would only watch a bit and only go one time, an hour and a half later it was time to make dinner, and the to do list was blown out of the water. DAMN PORN
Now lets talk about dinner! I made creamed asparagus chicken breasts over cous cous and a spinach salad with feta, bacon, and kalmata olives...purrr
the hot tub is going to cost over $300 to fix and all my sweetness could only get the guy to waive the service fee
Today I shall buy paint, go to therapy, work out, and finish laundry..but there is a disc two in the porn case so who knows what will really get done around here, maybe just me.

Today I shall buy paint, go to therapy, work out, and finish laundry..but there is a disc two in the porn case so who knows what will really get done around here, maybe just me.

Hmmm...your Tuesday sounded wonderful...A lovely dinner....PORN's always a good choice and the hot tub just let's ALL the body's OTHER muscles relax! Let me know when you're looking for company next time!

Owww! You can be a wicked grrl can't you?! Didn't mean to stay away soooooo long...but I really do have a job...responsibilities and such! Still, it was not my intent to stay away soooo long...pleeeeease forgive me!