this weekend was rather good! I got to meet shardik and hang out with he and sullen girl, geishaemily and i had a blast. I have to get those two back down to columbus! The Violent Femmes were great, though it was hot and hard to hear!!
So one exam down and two to go, this morning's treat was the sign language final, lasted a whole two on that
I am going to post pics from this weekend's chaos here in a minute.
I got my new bathing suit today..ready for hilton head..I have been sitting around in it since i got home from the exam. I am thinking I will stay in it for the next six when I was a kid
I am going to go watch the killing fields and call it studying for my vietnam war class

So one exam down and two to go, this morning's treat was the sign language final, lasted a whole two on that

I am going to post pics from this weekend's chaos here in a minute.
I got my new bathing suit today..ready for hilton head..I have been sitting around in it since i got home from the exam. I am thinking I will stay in it for the next six when I was a kid

I am going to go watch the killing fields and call it studying for my vietnam war class

Also, you should post pics of you in the baithingsuit. You talk a lot about it and i think we all wanna see...
[Edited on Aug 24, 2005 10:24PM]