so i am having some profile pic troubles. tallboyhas tried to resize one that he felt would look best but each time I try to post it, it comes out all rubbery and stretched.
I am coming fast upon the end of this quarter, I am looking forward to a much needed month off. Now all I need to do is find a job.
I had this dream last night about shardik somehow i ended up in cinci and i was very sick and he nursed me back to health..sweet guy
So, I really liked the results of the favorite song question it actually had me looking into some new i pose..
what is your favorite book?
who is the author?
why is it your favorite?
what did it mean to you?
I am coming fast upon the end of this quarter, I am looking forward to a much needed month off. Now all I need to do is find a job.
I had this dream last night about shardik somehow i ended up in cinci and i was very sick and he nursed me back to health..sweet guy
So, I really liked the results of the favorite song question it actually had me looking into some new i pose..
what is your favorite book?
who is the author?
why is it your favorite?
what did it mean to you?

and yes, walk the line is awesome
i saw the new harry potter movie on sat, not bad but not as good as the first 2...
2 favorite books (sense a theme here?)
first, Illusions by Richard Bach
second, Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, this was a childhood favorite that i guess i never grew out of
stop by sometime to see the new pup!
i think we are in the same sort of place...ships passing in the darkness.
i wish we'd find each other. i miss you. and generally i miss human contact that is not my bf.
on past subjects (it would be rude of me not to catch up on them) dm is rocking my socks the hell off! dave gahan is yummy, so glad i saw him in concert. andy rooney is still on i saw him two weekends ago. i ♥ learning more about the beautiful and myseterious tia. i've had that therapist thing too where they say it's good you're stressed to death about school cause that's current. i always took it as school being fucking stressful. the 4.0 is so elusive and such a grinder...but i know your pain as i stressed for it every quarter and pounded out a damn useless thesis. at least your major is usual, job worthy, and will help people. you are an inspiration
honestly i don't have enough self esteem especially lately so if you wanna hang out, chat online/on phone call me. i don't call people cause i fear bothering them. it's bad of me but i consider it being courteous.
good luck with the finals and papers and presentations you are no doubt working on.
oh wait and yes...fave book would be girl interrupted and fight club (both suggested to me on hospital visits...ha ha) fave author is shakespeare (i am a theatre major after all) fight club fits my insanity, girl interrupted is the best description of borderline i've ever heard (cause it comes from someone with the disease instead of damn doctors guessing) shakespeare is my fave author cause of the insane goodness of his poetry and characters. the two crazy books meant to me a mirror and something i could actually identify with, which is rare for crazy little me. and shakespeare is the author of 3 plays i have drawn designs for so he's extra special for me.