For those of you who give a flying fuck (numbering in the zero to single digits) we have released a 'quickie' Ep called Sputnik Bride on our own BVL label, ahead of the single (Voodoo) and album (Retrovision Coma USA) coming out on Riverside Records.

This is 'cos the album has taken so long to get out that it isn't really us anymore......
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I dunno, I've had many an interesting conversation talking about chip packets. Beats talking about politics anyway.
Cheers for the plug, man. smile
I'll get hold of your EP.
Keep posting about any gigs you're doing and add them to the events section in SGUK. If you build it they will come.
hehe shameless promotion. i like it
I've just had some really upsetting health news.

I think I might be made of Plutonium.

I'm going to maybe see a doctor, but I'm pretty sure. i don't know what the long-term effects - to me and others - are. Apparently though even my half life is 6 million years. So I'll be around. puke
Dude.....I've written you about it like....6 times, and I never receive a reply surreal
Journl entry: A place to rant and put incoherent crap up for the web to see, I'd thought you'd understand by now. wink
Ah, still looking at my lovely Nicky. Awww. She is so pretty.


I was painting the ceiling in my hall today. I had some paint left from when I did my bedroom in this cool deep purple (duh- duh -duhn...). That's the problem, 'cos now I have to do the walls in the hall. I'm thinking a sort of grape/aubergine on one section and...
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So i take it you only have one nipple done then lol ? confused


why the dislike of the site?
From the (old) bio - what a larf!

"Formed Halloween night, 1999. That first night saw bassist Henderson Shatner and the original Swedish vocalist perform for an intoxicated, scared yet captivated audience. One dressed as a green-faced witch and the other as green-faced Mr. Spock no doubt helped things along on their surreal way. With guitarist Igor, they put together a home-recorded demo and sent...
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Do you have the facility to record drums?

I have everything else (or access) for recording/mastering, just not drums.

If you are ever in need of an engineer/roadie for a gig let me know.
thank you, thank you, thank you

it's funny - I was just thinking that I was whistling in the dark and that nobody cares...then i saw your comment and it perked me up



thank you, thank you, thank you
Off too see the lawyers, diddy dee, didddly dee

Ooh what joy

Off to see the lawyers

The larger of the two Uruk-Hai drew a long, black, wicked knife with a jagged blade and a graven image carved into its hilts.

"Come closer, my little friend!" he hissed, green-blue tongue flicking across his thin lips and yellow, jagged teeth.

"I shall not!" Frodo cried, putting his back to the cavern wall and drawing Sting, which flashed blue fire in the darkness.

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Only 29? Goodness...from your photo you look much younger!
And I plan on staying 29 a long, long time.
Well that went well (last night). All the mixes are good - with of course the 5-10 niggling things which will take another week or month to sort out . But very positive overall ... and it was cool to see the Alien Hive Theme single sitting on the shelf alongside The Coral and Strokes etc. at HMV. Gotta run, don't go changing... wink
the nipple piercing wasnt as bad as i expected, all in all a fun experience :p ! 5 times!? hehe, its because you love me much and you want me to have 5 times the enjoyment of course smile
Lorraine was a beautiful girl who played piano and had long, curly auburn hair and a figure to die for. When I was at University we struck up an acquaintanceship - I wouldn't say we were' 'firneds' - and she shared some poetry she had written.

It was about a shiny sports car whose novelty had worn off so it now sat in the garage...
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Another time Aimee and I sneaked into the Blake's huge summer house in the dead of winter through one of the basement windowss. A two storey, darkened and ice cold palace with dust-sheeted furniture and echoes of mouldering leather, velvet and oak.

Our breath formed excited clouds as we crept around the deafening creaking floorboards and into the attic. Up the stairs glowering predeccessors scowled...
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I don't remember how I did it exactly, there was rubbing alcohol involved. I know I did *something* for safey precautions, but I really can't remember what it was.

Maybe next time, I should hire an expert.

I have one of those hats, but I only wear it when I go sledding.
Off in a wghile for soundcheck. Looking forward to this show, headlinging at a Creation Records showcase. I thought they had gone under. blackeyed Maybe not. 10.30 on a School Night, I bet no one shows. Oh well. Play loud, get drunk, and have sex. What else is there? (OOH SO RAWK AND ROLL) puke puke puke
thanks for the comment on my set.
I know, I really hope the reunion happens!

Hope all went well at the show...