i have had a really off kilter day today, I have been uneasy all day. it started off with a dream that made me feel uneasy.
then went right into my landlord telling me a girl who ive never met is gonna be my roomate in a week.
from there it was math, then hunger pains in philosophy and on the train.
home was nice, i got to eat. the day wasn't a total loss tho, i had a suprisingly wonderful conversation with le about sex and electronics
also i have had vertigo twice in the last few days. which is not teh cool.
then went right into my landlord telling me a girl who ive never met is gonna be my roomate in a week.
from there it was math, then hunger pains in philosophy and on the train.
home was nice, i got to eat. the day wasn't a total loss tho, i had a suprisingly wonderful conversation with le about sex and electronics

also i have had vertigo twice in the last few days. which is not teh cool.

and no, i wasn't talking about felt tip markers. ninny.
I love it, but I am in a very low math, because I dropped out of high schoool. However any pure rational thought is a++ in my book.