i went to astronomy class tonite, which I find wholy interesting, and people were sleeping and looking hella bored. I can't wait till they all drop, and I will have room to strech out wink

fucking city college whatever

more world just got a whole lot smaller reading that thing!

and yes, it's great when all the jackoffs drop off and you can enjoy your classes......i've sat in on classes at state, it's not just city. (doesn't that brighten your day?)
I've been listening to Outkast for like 3 days straight. I forgot how good they were.


fridays? WTF happened. I always had so much to do on friday, but these days there is nothing going on. For the last 2 or 3 years I have noticed this. Maybe I have moved out of the "do something on friday" friend circles but it is wierd.

i didnt mean to demean your contribution to the thread at all. i just thought that maybe you hadnt read what was already said in it. i know that sometimes i do that as well--especially in the philosophy group; considering that everyone wants to write 3409394028 pages about some little tiny point that they think they have discovered.

please don't take my drunken sarcasm as some kinda "get tha fuck out" message--because it really wasnt. especailly if yer one of the fellow theist/polytheist people because i most definently need more defence from that camp more often in that group....

anyways....im drunk...dont let my drunk sarcasm scare ya off, k? cuz I need more mystic people around for my camp in that group. biggrin

again....sorry....drunk....please forgive.....
poetry is grand
haiku is elegant, still
i love you is fav
gimme you mailing address, holmes.
go giants! hehe. they won.

I have decided to make use of this journal, aparently.

So I guess today I will discuss my confusion about suicide girls. This is not about the actual girls. It is about the community, the and the site.

So as a huge dork that probably wouldn't get the couragetalk to these beautiful women on the street even if I had a chance, I think it...
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If you feel like you have want to make a connection with somebody here, an SG, another member, whomever, then the most important thing is that you go ahead and put forth the first effort. I think a lot of people often feel intimidated by other people's social networks, but if you have something to say and you think twice b/c there are tons of responses to somebody's writing, just pretend they're talking about some in-joke you wouldn't get anyway, and besides they're really just making fun of Bob in the stockroom, and who cares about that dude anyway? Just post away with your own ideas.

You seem like a good person, and people are always interested in meeting good people. Besides, your fantasy there is pretty damn hott, and if there's anything people like more than good people, it's undeniable hottness.
wow I am amazed that 3 people posted, good advice smile

ps. if you can't ride a bike yet, there's no time like the present to learn.

If you buy a bag, I will love you forever. I *heart* messenger boys... I think it's their apathetic attitudes... or maybe it's the bag.

[Edited on May 29, 2003]
happy birthday gemini!