I put this up on my Google blog for all the folks wanting further evidence that Brad Warner is, indeed, The Porno Buddhist (I need to trademark that, it could make a good book title some day) and deserves to be made a laughing stock throughout all Buddhism. It's a photo from last night's big Suicide Girls bash on behalf of PETA 2. Yes, it's PETA 2 and not PETA. Don't ask me the difference because I don't know. I'm crap with names. But here's what my Zen-addled mind can cough up. The woman in red who I've got my arm around is Arabia, just behind her dressed in black is Aspen, who regularly attends our Zazen classes in Santa Monica and the woman whose left eye and left shoulder appear on the far left is Sam, another attendee of the Saturday Zazen things. Members who recognize the others, please write me. I'd hate to insult anyone since they were all so very kind to pose with me.
The party was loud. And I didn't stay too long because Aspen was my ride up there and needed to work the next day. This was fine by me since I'm not a late night dude anyway. I had fun for the hour or so I was out at the Roxy. But I just don't have the whole party animal thing going. So an hour was plenty. Sam was part of the fashion show, which consisted mainly of lingerie and fake fur. But no fake fur lingerie, which would have been interesting. My friend Cake was also part of the fashion show. But, sadly, I wasn't able to flag her down before we left. Cake, if you're reading this, no offense was intended.
I want to write something profound. But maybe not tonight. So just enjoy the picture and make up your own story about what went on before and after it was taken.
Great pic, Brad! Sounds--and looks--like it was a fun time!