i slept in my own bed last night. the trip was unbelievable. chicago was fun. we really didn't do a whole lot other than walk around. dave hit a car. he was trying to parallel park and knocked out the guy's tail light. matt and i were screaming at him to stop, but he didn't listen. dave left a note with my cell phone number on it on his windshield (and the guy did give us a call later that night). luckily it didn't do any real damage to his or my car. we walked through downtown and a little north. i made the incredibly stupid mistake of choosing the cool shoes over the comfortable shoes. my feet and legs still hurt (combined with the walking done in kansas city). we got some pizza and went to the hotel. we went swimming in the pool. the guy who checked us in actually went to michigan state and was in matt's dorm last year, oddly enough. dave was obsessed with finding the cheesecake factory, which we drove around for about an hour looking for, only to get there right before it closed. the next day we headed out to kansas city. i realized that as soon as the urban sprawl ends in illinois, it sucks. iowa was a little better, at least they had lots of corn. saw des moines from a distance. we thought we had plenty of time after we got to kansas city before the show. tickets said 8:00 on them. so we looked around the amazing hotel. it was right downtown, i can't believe it was so nice. anyway we decided to walk to the venue. that was a mistake. it was about three and a half miles away. my feet were killing me, and about half way there we decide we really don't want to walk back in the dark, but we really don't have a choice but to keep going. dave and i decide we need to "pick up hot chicks" to drive us back to the hotel (ha ha). we get outside the uptown theater and realize that ticketmaster lied and doors open at 7 (and it is just about that). so our tons of time turned in to getting there right on time. the show was good. lucero played in detroit and i was happy to see them again. veda replaced straylight run (which i was unaware of of until we got there), and they were good as well (that girl could sing her lungs out). somewhere in the middle of this a miracle happened, david met a girl. it turns out she was 23, which if i wouldn't have been told otherwise i probably would have guessed she was 16 (i'll get back to this later). so the get up kids came on and it was very emotional and all. they played almost all the same songs they played in detroit, so i had a pretty good idea of what was coming. i sang my ass off. i can imagine what an idiot i look like at shows. when they played their last song (ten minutes) i went freaking crazy. i was jumping around, screaming as loud as i could, grabbing david and shaking him while yelling in his face (he liked it). it was sad when they got off stage for the last time. they filmed it, so i hope they end up releasing it on dvd. so back to this girl. dave and i were standing there talking to her (matt had left to go sit down almost as soon as the get up kids started playing). surprise, surprise. shes from texas and is staying at the same hotel as us. david still doesn't ask her if we can bum a ride home, so eventually i (who hadn't really talked to her that much) brought up the fact that we had to walk back, so of course she offered us a ride. she was there with two other people. so we walked around looking for their car, and they couldn't find it. hanging around on the streets of kansas city in the middle of the night was fun though. just as people in chicago seem top be in love with their horns, people in kansas city seem to love to scream things out the window at you (and one car earlier had even stopped and handed us flyers for something or another). eventually they found the car and we drove back. when we got there, dave decided that we wanted to bleach his hair, so i helped him. i know he likes it, ut i don't really think it looks good. i got over that whole dying my hair thing a while ago. matt thought he accidentally ordered a porn, but he didn't. we left a little late the next morning and stopping for breakfast made it even later. we decided we weren't going the way the directions said (which would have taken us back the way we came), and instead go home through st louis. i drove part of the way, but then spent the rest of the time until we got to st louis reading. when we got there we made one huge mistake, getting off the expressway. we really didn't think about the fact it was a holiday weekend. downtown was closed off. we got stuck in major traffic and the ramp going east was closed. so we decided to get on going west and turn around. THERE WERE NO ON RAMPS GOING EAST FOR PROBABLY TEN MILES! when we finally got going the right way, the highway split and matt took the wrong way. so we had to get off and turn around and again. all in all we were stuck in st louis for more than an hour. the rest of the way was driving and more driving. we took 70 east until indianapolis, where we were supposed to get on 69, but we couldn't seem to find it. wasted another half hour driving around there until we just said "fuck it" and stayed on 70 east. we stopped at a rest stop shortly though and matt and dave figured out some back road to take to get to 69. i've said it before and i'll say it again; indiana is creepy. as soon as we got on 69 i went to sleep and slept most of the way home. i woke up around jackson. we got back around 3:30 and matt and dave stayed at my house. and now here i am, going to work tommorrow. fuck.
:::pictures of awesomeness:::::
kansas city at night
the uptown theater
welcome to jesusland
the road
david (pre-bleach)
master p
me flicking off st. louis the second to last time we left
:::pictures of awesomeness:::::

kansas city at night

the uptown theater

welcome to jesusland

the road

david (pre-bleach)

master p

me flicking off st. louis the second to last time we left