i slept in my own bed last night. the trip was unbelievable. chicago was fun. we really didn't do a whole lot other than walk around. dave hit a car. he was trying to parallel park and knocked out the guy's tail light. matt and i were screaming at him to stop, but he didn't listen. dave left a note with my cell phone number...
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i got into state. fuck occ.
im downloading the foo fighters cd now.
OH SHIT! how was the show?
haven't spent a lot of time on here, lately, so its been a while... i have a lot of shit on my mind. summer classes started this week. they inly go through june 29th, but it should be good. i might have to kill my friend dave. he was going to transfer to state next year, and he even got in, but he decided not...
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holy shit, the guy in my math class shaved his head and now he looks exactly like vladimir lenin. no shit
you dont get enough comments here. its give and take my friend, give and take.
my internet is down at home so i've been mia. i realized a couple days ago that i dont know your name. you may have told me but i have forgoten. so, what is it?
i ordered the sink florida sink 7" today. i'll see what i can do about getting the electric unsubstansiated (sp?) rumors on mp3.
i hope things are well.
my internet is down at home so i've been mia. i realized a couple days ago that i dont know your name. you may have told me but i have forgoten. so, what is it?
i ordered the sink florida sink 7" today. i'll see what i can do about getting the electric unsubstansiated (sp?) rumors on mp3.
i hope things are well.
** after writing this i realize that i make some sharp turns and really just rambling.... but i had a lot on my mind, so deal with it**
yesterday was one of those days you know you will remember years and years from now. i spent nine hours in the car with my two best friends. drove to cincinnati to see against me. the drive...
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yesterday was one of those days you know you will remember years and years from now. i spent nine hours in the car with my two best friends. drove to cincinnati to see against me. the drive...
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yea, doing it two nights in a row was a blast. that guy Brigg (the big guy from the dvd) fell in love with my girlfriend i think. he pulled her on stage to sing with him. tom was a lot taller than i thought he would be. he was almost as tall as i am and im 6'4''.
have you heard the new alkaline trio record yet. i dont like it much, but if you dont have it im sure you'd like to hear it. i can IM it to you if you would like me to.
have you heard the new alkaline trio record yet. i dont like it much, but if you dont have it im sure you'd like to hear it. i can IM it to you if you would like me to.
i got the video and he sent it to me in mpeg so you can dowload it. its fucking amazing, you have to get it from me today.
i want my innocence back. i'm going to tear this fucking country apart to find it. every building standing in every business center, every back country road. the say that home is where the heart is, but i haven't seen mine since that night that you left town. that night you collected your things and ducked my desperate lips. i'm off to find adventure. maybe...
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excuse me if this turns into a rant... PAUL WOLFOWITZ AS HEAD OF THE WORLD BANK? WHAT THE FUCK? i pray so hard that this does not go through. it would destroy any hope for reform from the less crazy of two major development organizations (even though the IMF isn't supposed to have nothing to do with it). i've seriously had enough of this free...
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Hi. I like the Don Cheadle thing. That's why I put up the new subject, to see who the truly original thinkers were and see who has a sense of humor.
You remind me of someone I know, both in your pics and your journal stories. I know you feel like you should act your age but I can tell you from personal experience that it comes with time. I'm seriously in full-on regression at 27 yo and acting like a dumb idiot more every day. In fact, I finally gave into curiousity and signed up here 2 days ago...
Anyway, yer cool... I'm gonna bookmark you as interesting.
You remind me of someone I know, both in your pics and your journal stories. I know you feel like you should act your age but I can tell you from personal experience that it comes with time. I'm seriously in full-on regression at 27 yo and acting like a dumb idiot more every day. In fact, I finally gave into curiousity and signed up here 2 days ago...

i spent half the day on saturday sewing. i had a giant hole in the ass of my jeans so i sewed it up, and then right afterwards after i put them on and bent over, the same place on the other side ripped. cheap pieces of crap. i only bought those jeans like 5 months ago. made a pimp ass sweatshirt too. sewed an...
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i have a confession to make. when i said i gave it all i lied. i sit here with a hollow heart and a head ready to explode. i try to breathe the air, but my lungs fill with smoke. the house on the hill just off the shoreline, i watch it burn to ash. even with this fire, i've never felt a may this...
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its been a while since i spent a lot of time here. i am still alive. school and work are driving me crazy.