Had a great time this weekend celebrating Apologies birthday on Friday. Good times at the Brew House then on to Tattletales. Even had a good laugh when Bossanova tripped on the stair at the club on her way to tip a dancer on the main stage.
It took forever resizing the pics so I could post them to the group and taking out the red eye on Optimistresses pics were very frustrating (and they still aren't completely done properly).
Saturday was spent watching hockey and the Director's DVDs of Chris Cunningham and Michel Gondry, which both are amazing. I was looking forward to the Cunningham one the most, but the Gondry stole the show. I highly recommend both. I still need to get my hands on the Spike Jonze one. The menu on the Gondry one is the best menu of any dvd i've seen. Simple yet entertaining. After this I watched the Chappelle's Show marathon.
One of, if not the smartest show on tv.
Was talking to my mom a little bit ago and before we got off the phone she said, "you really need to find a girlfriend." Damn mom. It's not like I don't want one. I still can't believe she said that.
Gonna finish watching hockey and making my catfish dinner (mmmmm). Cadbury eggs are the best.
If you don't make a friend, now
One might make you.
It took forever resizing the pics so I could post them to the group and taking out the red eye on Optimistresses pics were very frustrating (and they still aren't completely done properly).
Saturday was spent watching hockey and the Director's DVDs of Chris Cunningham and Michel Gondry, which both are amazing. I was looking forward to the Cunningham one the most, but the Gondry stole the show. I highly recommend both. I still need to get my hands on the Spike Jonze one. The menu on the Gondry one is the best menu of any dvd i've seen. Simple yet entertaining. After this I watched the Chappelle's Show marathon.

Was talking to my mom a little bit ago and before we got off the phone she said, "you really need to find a girlfriend." Damn mom. It's not like I don't want one. I still can't believe she said that.
Gonna finish watching hockey and making my catfish dinner (mmmmm). Cadbury eggs are the best.
If you don't make a friend, now
One might make you.
Ha ha.
Moms know how to sweat their kids, that's for sure. At least you don't like the Dead, like a certain guy I know.