A lot has happened since I last posted. I still haven't found a job which has been really getting me down. I have managed to score a few interviews but nothing ever comes from them....
On the positive side though I have managed to find a girl that enjoys being with me. I don't know where I would be without her right now. Unfortunately she...
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Made it back. How has everyone been?
People spout all the time that you have to love yourself and be able to make yourself happy.... Well wtf.... What if being with someone, loving and caring for them, is what makes me happy? As much as I try to play the anti social/loner role I really can't stand it. I need the connection. I need to have that "special someone"
Don't get me...
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Don't get me...
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So far I have lost 15 lbs, 9 inches around my waist and 18.75 inches overall. I'm Pretty excited!
Still no luck on the lady front though *sigh*
Still no luck on the lady front though *sigh*
congrats on the weightloss! ^_^
I owe a lot to the gym I joined. Amazing people that really made it a great experience.
I need a date.....
I joined Farrells eXtreme Bodyshaping last week and it's AMAZING!
I am really loving it so far and I am excited to see what I can do for myself!
I joined Farrells eXtreme Bodyshaping last week and it's AMAZING!
I am really loving it so far and I am excited to see what I can do for myself!
Man, all the girls on here live so far away!
Anyone playing Star Wars the old Republic?

Anyone playing Star Wars the old Republic?
i'm a 0.
BUT! i did get my boyfriend two video games for his bday last night...which he hasn't stopped playing since i gave to him! so i think i did good!
dead island and alice the madness returns? xbox 360.
so i'm an alright gf.
i don't complain while he plays or anything!
BUT! i did get my boyfriend two video games for his bday last night...which he hasn't stopped playing since i gave to him! so i think i did good!
dead island and alice the madness returns? xbox 360.
so i'm an alright gf.
i don't complain while he plays or anything!

if you dont complain then your at least a 3 silly girl

Star Wars the Old Republic! Come on already!!!
Well I am back. My fiance left me a month before we were supposed to get married and life completely sucks.
Now that I have all the crying out of the way How is everyone!!!! I have missed the site big time and I am way behind on current events. Someone fill me in!!!
Now that I have all the crying out of the way How is everyone!!!! I have missed the site big time and I am way behind on current events. Someone fill me in!!!