I still hang on every word
In the world of faded memories
Where your still in love with me
I can see it in your eyes
A look as if your matyrdom has lost control
I must hold on
This happens all the time
I still find my faith in you
I can't hold on
this happens all the... Read More
Anything is what she is
Anywhere is where she's from
Anything is what she'll be
Anything as long as it's mine
And the door it opens is a way back in
Or is it way back out?
Anyplace is where she'll be
Anyplace, she'll see you from
Lies and secrets become your world
Anytime, anywhere she takes me... Read More
well here is a little update in my twisted little world. work is about the same even though i'm seeming to enjoy it more. I broke up with my girlfriend that i had since i got to ft. lewis. lack of communication seems to do that to a relationship. i'm talking about none whatsoever. she moves to west virgina in september so it was probably... Read More
Damn Femal logic... I hate it when chicks do that!!! Your like jus flippin talk to me...Well good luck with it and thanks for the request... TTYL Luv Ya
Ich werde in die Tannen gehen
Dahin wo ich sie zuletzt gesehen
Doch der Abend wirft ein Tuch aufs Land
und auf die Wege hinterm Waldesrand
Und der Wald er steht so schwarz und leer
Weh mir, oh weh
Und die Vgel singen nicht mehr
Ohne dich kann ich nicht sein
Ohne dich
Mit dir bin ich auch allein... Read More
Send away for a priceless gift
One not subtle, one not on the list
Send away for a perfect world
One not simply so absurd
In these times of doing what you're told
Keep these feelings, no one knows
What ever happened to the young man's heart
Swallowed by pain as he slowly fell apart
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. ya'll kick ass. sorry about not posting in so long. damn army has had me running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. they got me running from 3 in the moring till roughly 4 in the afternoon. it really sucks but it goes with the territory. i did manage to pick up a girlfriend. kinda... Read More
i finally gots some time to update this thing. been doing the same old army shit. we did get trained on the PR-24 and oc spray (pepper spray). the shitty thing was we had to get sprayed with the shit in order to be able to carry it. and boy did that suck ass. it took me two hours to recover from the shit. other... Read More
She seems dressed in all the rings
Of past fatalities
So fragile yet so devious
She continues to see
Climatic hands that press
Her temples and my chest
Enter the night that she came home (Forever)
Oh (Shes the only one that makes me sad)
She is everything and more
The solemn hypnotic
My Dahlia bathed in possession
She is home to... Read More