
That was taken out of my right ankle!
[There is still a half of a screw in my fibula; when I was younger, I walked on it too soon and they were only able to take out the top half, so I still have a souvenier!]
7 screws and a plate later
This is how I fucked it up in the first place
[Ignore random man, he wanted a pic with my coochie]
8-inch heels = no bueno for steel plate

That was taken out of my right ankle!
[There is still a half of a screw in my fibula; when I was younger, I walked on it too soon and they were only able to take out the top half, so I still have a souvenier!]
7 screws and a plate later
This is how I fucked it up in the first place
[Ignore random man, he wanted a pic with my coochie]
8-inch heels = no bueno for steel plate

Glad it's out, hiope you never tear up your ankles again Boomie.
Take care.
That is so excellent that you kept everything!
I hope that you heal quickly and completely.
Take good care of yourself