I found my sims 2 game. fucking win. too bad my computers too slow and I can barely get it to work half the time D:
I want to join the peace corps when I'm out of college. I can't wait. They have a teaching program, so I can go to places where they need it and teach kids. I can't think of anything better.

In other news, I had the best idea for a tattoo last night. Anyone know any good tattoo places in North Carolina?
That sounds like an awesome way to spend the post-collegic years smile

Erk is the assistant editor of East Coast Ink Magazine and works with many of the North Carolina shops, so I would ask her about artists...

It was so nice that you came out xoxo
so hungover. i've only ever been this hungover once before. I really want to post sometime constructive but my brain is so dead.
i did not need that tequila.
gah.... i feel your pain.. i'm pretty sure i made a complete drunkin ass of myself last night, and now i'm paying for it puke