Answers to last journal entries questions:
What is flying like in your dreams?
I don't dream I'm flying....I think I've dreamed I was falling once, and I rolled over and hit the wall and scared myself awake. That kinda hurt.
Do you like pickles...cheesecake?
I like all sorts of pickles, and I hate cheesecake.
Completely Shaven?
Yus...altho its getting more and more difficult as I get more preggers.
When was your first lesbian experience if ever?
End of junior year in hiskool.
Ever Do a black guy on film or in your personal life?
If you could be any cartoon character, which one would you be and why?
Rini from Sailor Moon cos she's got pink hair
When was the last time you were in school?
Currently enrolled.
What school and why were you there - if college what major?
Wake Tech....I'm eventually going to major in English so I can teach Hi'skool english and do all my senior students.
Whats your favorite food?
Strawberry pancakes from IHOP. YUMMMMERS!
Can you describe each of your tattoos, when you got each one, what it is, what it represents to you?
No I cannot. so called "chestpiece": Heart with angel wings & halo. I got it for Xmas on Dec. 28th. Twas my 1st tat...I guess I got it b/c it looked awesome, and my name is Angel, and it's my...angel...heart...?
and then my crackheaded arm tat: Tis a red & blue "nautical" star with pink roses around it. I think I got it sometime in march. I remember I was mad @ my husband, and I had $ and was within walking distance of a tat shop. I'm sure I could have picked something alot cooler, but whateva. And whilst I was getting tatted, my husband showed up and was mean to me the rest of the day.
Who are some of your favorite bands?
Um....check the favorite bands section of my profile....
What was the best concert you've ever been to?
Orgy. Simply cos its the only *real* concert I've ever been to. All the others have been local band shows.
What is your dream job?
If I could wake up one morning and have the magical ability to pierce and tattoo people, that's what I'd do. But unless I woke up with that ability, it's not happening. I'd like to be in a famous band so I can look however and get paid to voice my opinion and irritate people. I do that for free now.
What is the air speed of an unladen African swallow???
Depends on how many coconuts he's carrying. (I'm not THAT smart, I hadda ask my husband to refresh my memory as to what movie that was from.)
Do you live near Raleigh nc?
If you could see a concert type "Fest" thing, name the 7 bands you would want to play in it.
Hole....Rammstein....Outkast....My Ruin.....Orgy.....Billy Idol...and....erm....Cold. even tho I've heard they suck live.
Should I boycot Vicki's?
YES! You should.
A quickie recap of Ms. Angel-Boo's weekend: I spend Friday, Saturday and Sunday with my husband. I don't remember what we did on Friday, which is lame of me. I know that on Saturday we went out to this barn/trailor thingy in bumblefuck with one of our friends, Roger. There was a bunch of drunk rednecks playing instruments and singing songs and whatnot, and my husband got up there and as soon as he started singing everyone about pissed their pants. After he was done, like 2 people came up to get his contact info to book him for shows LOL. People are so weird. Then today we laid around and had pizza and shit, and went out to Roger's house and I got to hear band gossip (men gossip too!!!), and see funny old pix of my husband, and listen to some of his old band's songs. Fun shit. I'm starting to get worried cos my right leg and side of ass is beginning to get these weird hurty cramps at random times. Like ya know how when you twist a muscle or some shit it feels cramped and kinda burny? Yea, I've been getting those feelings randomly in my upper leg and ass area. I hope I don't need to go on bedrest, cos if I do, my mum will NEVER let me out of the house!!!! Erggle. Well, I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed. I don't have any interesting questions so...blah. And oh shit, my kitten is shredding paper towels ::runs to the paper towel's rescue....will probably cramp up and die in transit::
What is flying like in your dreams?
I don't dream I'm flying....I think I've dreamed I was falling once, and I rolled over and hit the wall and scared myself awake. That kinda hurt.
Do you like pickles...cheesecake?
I like all sorts of pickles, and I hate cheesecake.
Completely Shaven?
Yus...altho its getting more and more difficult as I get more preggers.
When was your first lesbian experience if ever?
End of junior year in hiskool.
Ever Do a black guy on film or in your personal life?
If you could be any cartoon character, which one would you be and why?
Rini from Sailor Moon cos she's got pink hair
When was the last time you were in school?
Currently enrolled.
What school and why were you there - if college what major?
Wake Tech....I'm eventually going to major in English so I can teach Hi'skool english and do all my senior students.

Whats your favorite food?
Strawberry pancakes from IHOP. YUMMMMERS!
Can you describe each of your tattoos, when you got each one, what it is, what it represents to you?
No I cannot. so called "chestpiece": Heart with angel wings & halo. I got it for Xmas on Dec. 28th. Twas my 1st tat...I guess I got it b/c it looked awesome, and my name is Angel, and it's my...angel...heart...?

Who are some of your favorite bands?
Um....check the favorite bands section of my profile....
What was the best concert you've ever been to?
Orgy. Simply cos its the only *real* concert I've ever been to. All the others have been local band shows.
What is your dream job?
If I could wake up one morning and have the magical ability to pierce and tattoo people, that's what I'd do. But unless I woke up with that ability, it's not happening. I'd like to be in a famous band so I can look however and get paid to voice my opinion and irritate people. I do that for free now.
What is the air speed of an unladen African swallow???
Depends on how many coconuts he's carrying. (I'm not THAT smart, I hadda ask my husband to refresh my memory as to what movie that was from.)
Do you live near Raleigh nc?
If you could see a concert type "Fest" thing, name the 7 bands you would want to play in it.
Hole....Rammstein....Outkast....My Ruin.....Orgy.....Billy Idol...and....erm....Cold. even tho I've heard they suck live.
Should I boycot Vicki's?
YES! You should.
A quickie recap of Ms. Angel-Boo's weekend: I spend Friday, Saturday and Sunday with my husband. I don't remember what we did on Friday, which is lame of me. I know that on Saturday we went out to this barn/trailor thingy in bumblefuck with one of our friends, Roger. There was a bunch of drunk rednecks playing instruments and singing songs and whatnot, and my husband got up there and as soon as he started singing everyone about pissed their pants. After he was done, like 2 people came up to get his contact info to book him for shows LOL. People are so weird. Then today we laid around and had pizza and shit, and went out to Roger's house and I got to hear band gossip (men gossip too!!!), and see funny old pix of my husband, and listen to some of his old band's songs. Fun shit. I'm starting to get worried cos my right leg and side of ass is beginning to get these weird hurty cramps at random times. Like ya know how when you twist a muscle or some shit it feels cramped and kinda burny? Yea, I've been getting those feelings randomly in my upper leg and ass area. I hope I don't need to go on bedrest, cos if I do, my mum will NEVER let me out of the house!!!! Erggle. Well, I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed. I don't have any interesting questions so...blah. And oh shit, my kitten is shredding paper towels ::runs to the paper towel's rescue....will probably cramp up and die in transit::

You can have another experience with me anytime you want...