Sometimes I miss living with my husband. Especially on days like today. When he drops me off @ my house, I always tell him "Be careful, don't hit anything, email me when you get home, I love you." Those are NOT difficult instructions!! I promise! So I wake up this morning and check my email, expecting mail from him like always. Nope. No mail. WTF?! So that leads me to believe that 1.) He forgot (altho how he could forget to email me, being as how he's been letting me know he's gotten home safe every night for about a month, is beyond me), 2.) He went home with someone else (altho, shouldn't he cover his tracks better and use their computer to email me? That and the fact that I derno why he'd do that cos we had some VERY good sex last night), or 3.) He's dead. So yea I'm irritated. And he got his cell phone cut off, and he's not online, so.....I just hafta sit and wonder. ::grumbles:: what a dick!
We went to a show last night and saw some of our old pals. One of our friends was like "You guys are like...couple of the year. Maybe the decade. I love seeing you guys together, you guys are so fuckin awesome." LOL and I actaully DONT think he was drunk. Cos he was like "OK time to go home and do what us single musicians do best: Get drunk, bitch about how crappy our music is and insist the "right one" is out there somewhere!" So I dern think he was drunk at this time. heh. Well, I really hope my set goes up tomorrow. I really really really do. Cos if not....they wasted a perfectly good name. teehee...think about it. Halloween.....BOO......ya get the idea. So if some girl named fuckin "linda" goes up tomorrow I'm gonna start kicking peoples asses (I really hope there are no limbo girls named Linda. I'm gonna get myself in trouble here, hehehe). But yea, it would make sense, and it would make me very very happy if the set goes up tomorrow. YAYE! OK done with the rant. lol. I appreciate all the nice things you guys wrote me. I have never had no damn 67 comments in my journal before!!! I like it.
I feel speshal. Also, a special thanx to my Hexe cos most of you found my journal thru hers so....yaye! Well...I hafta go get my brain checked out (AKA: Therapy). Hopefully by the time I get home I'll find out if my dorkassed husband is still alive. ERRRRG!!!!!!
PS: I haven't gone to Barnes and Noble lately...someone buy me the Jenna Jameson book!!!!!! MEH!!!

PS: I haven't gone to Barnes and Noble lately...someone buy me the Jenna Jameson book!!!!!! MEH!!!

Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween!!