So this hidden talent thing has been doing the rounds so I thought I'd post mine (is it, though? I'll let you decide) NB it's still very much a work in process, there might well be grammatical mistakes, inconsistencies or I might have just got something wrong entirely, the historical context being what it is.
A busy fishing harbour, set in Edo-period Japan.
Fishmongers have their fish laid out on stalls, they vary greatly in size, shape and colour.
Their eyes shine and scales glisten, their mouths agape.
Nearby street vendors busily tend to their small portions of food while urgently shouting their wares.
Landlords and serving girls stand proudly outside of their inns, greeting guests and neighbours as they solicit travellers to spend the night.
A few directionless RONIN swagger along. They scowl dourly at passers by, hands resting on their swords. However they soon avert their eyes and sink in shame out of the way.
They soon make way as the local MAGISTRATE (45) with a group of soldiers walk through the town. They wear dark blue robes with sea green overcoats. They are infinitely smarter than their Ronin counterparts.
In the shade of a tea house sit a trio of Geisha. They sip tea out of small cups. One smokes a long slender pipe. Their laughter chimes of the hustle and bustle.
Outside of shuttered building stands a man who, unlike the samurai, wears only one sword. He moves his hand to scratch his shoulder to reveal a glimpse of an ornate and intricate TATTOO.
He is YAKUZA (21), a gambler, a criminal.
The Yakuza quickly covers up again as he sees the magistrate approaching and then proceeds to studiously ignore him.
A HOUSEWIFE (26) is busy buying fish from a stall, she holds the hand of a small boy, TOSHI (6) who is bored out of his mind. he suddenly sees something, wide eyed, on the horizon.
The little boy shouts in wonder and points to the horizon. The mother looks and freezes in shock. She is followed by the fish seller.
The harbour repeats the same process until everyone is rooted to the spot, mesmerised.
Over the horizon rises a large square sail, followed by another even larger one. Soon there is a small forest of canvas, rope and wood.
The mother of the small boy steals a gasp of fear out of the silence all around her.
The ship, closer now, crashes through the roaring waves as it creaks and moans. Sailors sing a boisterous shanty as they swarm over the rigging.
Shining brass cannon are aggressively thrust out of the side of the ship, rocking gently on their trolleys.
The figurehead, a devil brandishing a cutlass in one hand and a weeping woman in the other, grins as the spray flecks his red skin.
The salt spray drips off the devil’s TEETH and SWORD, and from the captive woman’s EYES.
The name on the side of the ship reads “THE LUSTY DEVIL”
The little boy cannot believe his luck, neither, it seems can his mother. The little boy breaks free of his mother’s hand and dashes off.
The Lusty Devil nears the port, still at speed, collision is imminent.
The First Mate, a one eyed, grizzled beast of man, roars a order and the ship slows to a perfect docking.
The little boy is heading for the ship with youthful abandon, his mother fights through the stock still crowd.
She screams, tears stream down her face as she scrambles in the dirt.
A couple of sailors jump out of the ship, fast as quicksilver. They tie up the ship all efficient cogs in a well oiled machine.
The little boy, beyond excited, picks up the pace. He crashes and falls back on his arse. He looks up in shock.
A big LEATHER BOOT is the obstacle in his path it is anathema to everything in this busy little harbour. ALIEN.
The body of the man it belongs to is no less so. Impossibly large, brawny and with a scarred, weatherbeaten face. The very stuff of childish nightmares. It is the ship’s First Mate.
The child is frozen with shock. The First Mate picks the child up by the scruff of his kimono and holds him inches away from his face.
His beard is rough and unkempt, his breath sour and heavy with Rum.
So, ye want to be a sailor, boy?
His mother has broken through the crowd and is kneeling at their feet weeping and begging.
The First Mate rolls his eyes and tosses him back at his mother’s feet.
God’s blood... women! Same the world over...
The woman grabs her son, holding him close and speeds off. The Bosun returns his attention to the crew.
Get moving you lazy bastards! Drop Anchor!
Unload the cargo! MOVE, YE SWINE!
The First Mate looks back into the crowd and sees the mother running off home. Her son, facing back is still looking at the Bosun.
The little boy sticks out his tongue and puts his finger to his eye.
The First Mate smiles.
Cheeky little shit!
The end. Hope you enjoy.

Man... I spent ages spacing this fucking thing out! GAH!