Damn you 24 credit hours! Damn you!!
actually i lived in eureka and brookings, but i had a girlfriend who lived in aberdeen. also i just ended up road tripping there on occasion.i havnt been there in like, holy shit, 5 years!?

yeah, i like it here. smile
Yea Aberdeen. I've been there several times.
ha! I forgot to cancel my account so they charged me again. I guess I'm on for another month... and I can't say I'm not enjoying it.
Recently, I've been going running in the morning. At around 6. eeek It's hard enough just dragging my ass out of bed, but then to run it around campus a few times!! I am just tired of being how...
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Don't eat crackers! Eat chicken breasts or egg whites for every meal. Works for me.
it's official! I AM piercing my clit hood!! wooWOO!!!
I work dispatch at a trucking company. Wow you have no piercings and your gonna start off with a clit piercing? thats kinda dramatic. well whatever floats your boat. wink
hey i am just happy to get a few comments smile
I am sad because my account is up in 8 days. It makes me want to say something along the lines of "aw... fuck". Some guy I barely know wrote me a page long, step by step, run through of how he wanted to fuck me. I found out this morning that he was drunk. Thank God. I usually don't like being "fucked up the...
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before you end your account, I fixed my SB photoset. so, you should see all the pix this time
Kitty didn't get any lovin. frown maybe it would have helped if the her master wouldn't have fallen asleep as soon as the boy came over. Damnit!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!!
OWwww..... is there anything in the entire world worse than waxing "down there"? I think not. Poor poor kitty. someone better be nice to you tonite. smile
I never waxed down there, just trimmed. A hot wax ball-hair removal frightens my scrotal hair folicles...
...and I love them so!
I hate country fuckers. I know that this is a contradictory viewpoint to have if I am preaching sexual tolerance, but JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why the hell are some people so antigay? Why? What do they get out of it?
a very unhappy bondgirl eeek
i hate the anti gay too...

you know, the men hate the gay because they are most beautiful and they UNDERSTAND the woman better than them... Hahaha real
I love grouphug.us. I just go on their and bitch and bitch and bitch. I think I am seriously addicted! Maybe I should be writing this on grouphug not here. hmmm...
I just realized that it looks like I have freakishly hairy toes in my profile picture!! Egad!! To anyone that sees this, don't think that I have hairy toes. Ok?
ok... not looking at your toes... feel better? wink
Spring break was hardly a break. Pshaw. It should be a law that you cannot work. And there should be a law that it could last 2 weeks.... minimum. South Dakota colleges suck. *bondgirl wallows in her self pity... wallow.... wallow*
I am quite sad due to the fact that I got pinkeye. I feel like I am dirty for getting it... like I don't wash my eyes out enough or something. I shall rinse them with vinegar and peroxide tonite. I will never get pinkeye again. blackeyed
Conjunctivitus, man. Fuck that shit. Wake up and your eye is glued shut with eye schmeevis. yuck.
There are two icons to fit:
First, the black eye, because the darkest pink is in fact, black:
blackeyed as in "my fucking left (or right) eyelids are stuck together and all I see is black in that eye."

Second, the pirate, for obvious reasons: ARRR!!!

I'm a littel drunk myself so I will relay this story: When Iwas in the 7th grade, my friend Ty got called out of class so he could go home because he had pinkeye. I thought it was so cool that he got to go home that I wantd the dsame thing. So, I had him rub his finger in his infectd eye and then I touched his finger and put it in my own eye. The nex day my eye itched: I had pink eye and I got to stay home from school. It wasn't worth it.