Whelp, Its been forever since I updates this journal, Europe came and went and I had an unbelievable time, if anyone is seeking any info at all about travelling there maybe I can help, I hit something like 20 countries. heres some pictures from my trip if anyones interested
So now winter break is here and guess where I get to go?!?!?! Las Vegas,...
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So now winter break is here and guess where I get to go?!?!?! Las Vegas,...
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Happy birthday, baby! 

T.J. whats up? I started a new job in Jan. and I have a computer now so im always on this sight. Are you traveling? whats goin on?
Whelp, im here in Europe, been through most of the world and back, favorites were Santorini and Barcelona, still have Ireland andScotland to go then back home to America, boo, anyway, see ya all soon
Hey cutie. Where have you been? Thanks for the compliments awhile back. Sorry I didn't respond in time.
have fun!
Been awhile since Ive sumbitted a comment, Ive been so freaken busy with finals, working a ton of hours, and getting ready for Europe. Not to mention graduation parties for colleges and whatnot for friends. I leave one week from now and Im just starting to get excited. List of countries I wil hit on this trip=
England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Switz.,...
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England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Switz.,...
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bon voyage mon ami!!! write soon.
you are such a love, thank you for calling. i cannot wait to hear of your adventures. have a wonderful time. i will think of you. bndictions de l'amour et de la lumire. ciao!
[Edited on Jun 03, 2003]

you are such a love, thank you for calling. i cannot wait to hear of your adventures. have a wonderful time. i will think of you. bndictions de l'amour et de la lumire. ciao!
[Edited on Jun 03, 2003]
bring me back snowglobes from each country. ill pay you in free haircuts.
Weird experience last night. At exactly 11:11 we passed 11th st. as we were tailgaiting the number 111 bus. Im not a superstitious person, but I mean come on, whats up with that?
Anywho, hope everyones Mom Day went well. Had a fun night at club bang on Saturday. Looking forward to camping down in San Onefre next weekend.
Adios 4 now
Anywho, hope everyones Mom Day went well. Had a fun night at club bang on Saturday. Looking forward to camping down in San Onefre next weekend.
Adios 4 now
the only show im aware of is my bf's show coming up . its a local hardcore show on the 17th . this saturday in lake elsinore. its his last show with this band so i HAVE to go. even if it sucks. and im not sure if it will or not.im hoping it wont , that precious drinking time i could be wasting. but if you want to go let me know and ill give you the info.
i want to be a bunny too!

"For a sunrise and a sunset, your lover is an actress, did you really think shed stay?"
Whelp, lets start this diddly off with a bang and ill just post some recent things Ive been up to.
Concerts - Was able to see Bright Eyes and even go backstage with the band due to a groupie friend that knows Connor, that was fun times. Also...
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Whelp, lets start this diddly off with a bang and ill just post some recent things Ive been up to.
Concerts - Was able to see Bright Eyes and even go backstage with the band due to a groupie friend that knows Connor, that was fun times. Also...
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i could totally live in a backpack. just dont throw dirty socks on me. and YOU are in fact the ugly poo face. and i say that with love of course.
you woke up because the angels love you too. they show me why. they explained why, and i agree with them. hee.
write to me mon ami. you are leaving soon, non? hee.
write to me mon ami. you are leaving soon, non? hee.

Well this is my first journal entry here, my friend has been addicted to dling "SG" material off of the internet for a long time. I didnt really know what it was until a kind soul we all call Nisi told me about it and thus unconscienciously convinced me to signup! Seems to be a great community here that is being started, and I will...
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Is rain boy-cott-able? (I can't spell.) We must make it stop!!!
welcome mon ami bolobunny!!! this is all very exciting, non? i am glad you are now sg member. did you happen to find any pearls with those oysters? hee.