Ya'll, here's a great (new to me) dumb toy. You can lose hours upon hours to the ether:
You can put the stars of Jerk City in your very own comic strip then annoy your friends with your comic genius.
Do we all not live to be sport for our neighbors and to laugh at them in turn? [paraphrase of one ot those...
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You can put the stars of Jerk City in your very own comic strip then annoy your friends with your comic genius.
Do we all not live to be sport for our neighbors and to laugh at them in turn? [paraphrase of one ot those...
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This has got to be the quote of the week, if not the century:
I'm a big fan of vaginas ...
Unfortunately, the quote has to be taken out of context for it to live up to its true resonance ...
Tattoo/piercing parlor owner Paul Collurafici lost a contentious race in April for mayor of the Chicago suburb of River Grove, Ill., the victim not...
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I'm a big fan of vaginas ...
Unfortunately, the quote has to be taken out of context for it to live up to its true resonance ...
Tattoo/piercing parlor owner Paul Collurafici lost a contentious race in April for mayor of the Chicago suburb of River Grove, Ill., the victim not...
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I think any Wes movie is worth one watch, probably more.
Who isn't a big fan of vaginas?

Oh for fuck's sake.
Perhaps you just need a new direction in sound.....fer fooks sake..

Perhaps you just need a new direction in sound.....fer fooks sake..
Fookin' 'ell.

We must restore our sense of awe, not be numbed by the speed of things.
Jesus, did I write that? Don't drink and post, folks. Really.

Really?? I hate to say I disagree but... I thought the Murray section of Coffee & Cigarettes was one of the weak ones. I'm not so enamored of Wu Tangers that anything they say is funny. :^/ Lots of people on SG found C&C dull; I liked all of it except the Wu Tang and Steven Wright and Benigni's part was soooo bad, it's like I had to check to make sure it was really them being that unfunny... but I liked the rest. My fave part? See, everyone's gonna say Iggy and Waits. That was good, but I liked the two Ivory Coast guys best; that was a perfect scene. The ska was great, too.
I thought Tenenbaums just seemed weak on (dialogue) details (it was fine on visual details.... I mean, this is Wes Anderson; if anything, there are too many visual details to catch in two viewings*). I didn't think Murray and Hackman really did enough, but I didn't think anyone had enough dialogue in the movie (except maybe, eh, Ben Stiller, coulda used less of him)... if I sound negative on the film, I still like it in a way. I am quite touched by the Luke/ Gwyneth relationship. And I have the soundtrack on WinAmp right now and it's great, of course.
*I am so kicking myself for not seeing Life Aquatic a second time. I tried watching Rushmore in TV-formatted mode yesterday; it's virtually unwatchable... a letterbox-mandatory film if there ever was one. Luckily, I have the letterbox VHS.
I thought Tenenbaums just seemed weak on (dialogue) details (it was fine on visual details.... I mean, this is Wes Anderson; if anything, there are too many visual details to catch in two viewings*). I didn't think Murray and Hackman really did enough, but I didn't think anyone had enough dialogue in the movie (except maybe, eh, Ben Stiller, coulda used less of him)... if I sound negative on the film, I still like it in a way. I am quite touched by the Luke/ Gwyneth relationship. And I have the soundtrack on WinAmp right now and it's great, of course.
*I am so kicking myself for not seeing Life Aquatic a second time. I tried watching Rushmore in TV-formatted mode yesterday; it's virtually unwatchable... a letterbox-mandatory film if there ever was one. Luckily, I have the letterbox VHS.
For every failure, there is a person waiting to say, "Perhaps if you just quit smoking ..."
What the hell are you laughing at, eh sister? Huh?

Crazy idea. Let's hitch a ride on a semi carrying Pepperidge Farms smoke sausage. They'll never suspect two wild bastards hiding out in a carriage of salted flesh. The driver's name is Pelican. His high school buddies called him that because he always pecked at his meals like a curious pelican. He's a good sport. Filled with road tales, Black & Mild smoke, and sugar free cough drop wrappers. One could make a papier mache out of ther remnants of his habits. This lunger of a smoked sausage traffiker is heading to Tupelo. God Help Tupelo you know. We could get married there. Close one of the run down bars with our rendition of Stevie Wonder's "Golden Lady". The grinnin' and scaled bitch running the place is named Shirley Jo. Certainly leaning more towards the Joe, judging on her tire chained mug. She christened this seeping den Shirley Jo's Rumpus Room. Collapsing wall panels and collapsing spirits abound. Paradise, Boheme.
Sometimes my imagination runs wild when I listen to Tom Waits' "Ol 55" You'll have to forgive me.
Sometimes my imagination runs wild when I listen to Tom Waits' "Ol 55" You'll have to forgive me.
I need more donuts with names like hookers.
I disappeared for months, with memory of what I hadn't done.
Getting old is teh suck, as the kids would say.
Now get off my damn lawn!
Now get off my damn lawn!

Ah, I thoroughly love that show. I think my favorite part is when the coach first see's Rudolph's nose; that double-take is classic.
Hadn't thought about the doll's defect before. Maybe, instead of cotton or sand, she's filled with toxic manganese.
Hadn't thought about the doll's defect before. Maybe, instead of cotton or sand, she's filled with toxic manganese.

I've lost a shit-ton of weight so you have to come to Northwest Ohio, marry me, and then we can build an army from the ground up. But then I'd get arrested for Patriot Act crimes and you'd have to flee to the Himalayans to rasie exotic goats and care for the 105 year old and blind prophet Xanthinchow...he's got the cure for cancer...but don't tell anyone I told you.
You are lost, but not forgotten.
Cheech threw me off with his gay pimpin! Ha ha ha! He is so metrosexual.
Baltimore is a barrel of spider monkeys.
I blend into the city and feel like my clothes don't fit right in the county. The neighbor asked me why I'm never home. Except I'm most often home. Who's watching?
I am trying not to get involved in animal causes. There must...
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Baltimore is a barrel of spider monkeys.

I am trying not to get involved in animal causes. There must...
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I know what you mean about "Pig in the City." I found it addling, too, and I WASN'T on psychotropics.
However, I am convinced that movie needs to be seen by my hypothetical and future children. I'm guessing at around age 6-8. Others say I'm nuts, but I feel there are some excellent opportunities for learning valuable lessons in that movie.
Or will I fuck them up for years to come?
However, I am convinced that movie needs to be seen by my hypothetical and future children. I'm guessing at around age 6-8. Others say I'm nuts, but I feel there are some excellent opportunities for learning valuable lessons in that movie.
Or will I fuck them up for years to come?
It's safe to come out now. The Rumsfelds are on the run.
Ha ha ha ha! I got glasses! Now I am officially a perverted librarian type!!!

Where have you vanished to again? Come back, Shane...come back!
How is the perverted librarian lifestyle treating you?
I lived in baltimore for 4 years...just had to get that out of my system. I just saw John Water's XXX-mas over the holidays...I was a little disappointed but it was still nice to see him live at least once.