Mmmmmmmmmmmmm well another day another pain in the ass at work....ugh sitting here overwhelmed with the amouth fo stuff I have to do ...and don't want to do.... surreal surreal eeek puke
Loving the autumn weather. Sorry to hear you're hating your job. Other then that how are you doing?
Fog fog go away come again some other day........Looks like it will burn off soon. I went for a great run this morning. There is nothing like a little self flagellation to clear the mind. I really did beat up the ole body....and glady sweat out the toxins of the week. Hopefully some waves will kick up today or tomorrow, based on the weather reports...
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Have you ever noticed that sometimes the things that you used to think were so very important become glaringly trivial....over time
Believe me when I say there is something seriously wrong with this man, and not just because he does not want me..He has alot of issues..Anyhoo and yes I do deserve better... biggrin Thanks you!!! xoxo
WOO HOO! the weekend approaches. I can't wait. I never thought that I would actually live for the weekends, but here I am doing just that. If only I could work nights......and have the days free.
I know the feeling...I have a 4 day weekend and It's sooo nice...But working nights is not all its cracked up to be...Cuz sometimes you sleep half the day away...Zzzz eeek
Well when i was bartending i used to make it a point to go to the beach in the morning and then take a nap before my next shift...somehow I survived lol....
Oh where oh where has my weekend gone....
The gods have graced me with a day of clouds....yippee makes going back to work easier...
thanks, bodsht, for your comment a few days back.
I got up this morning and communed with nature before work. I through my long board in the car and headed to the beach at 5:30 a.m. Needless to say I was the only one there. It was fantastic to catch waves for a couple of hours before work. I hope they keep rolling through the weekend.
Today was such a downer returning to work after such a great day at the beach yesterday. On the way in ....Simple minds Don't you forget about me....came on the radio. I once recorded it over and over on a 45 minute tape for my high school girlfriend before I left for college..oh the memories.....
That is so sweet smile
WELL finally...I made the command decision today to take the day off. I am headed to the beach surfboard in arm. I can't wait. There is nothing like a little sunshine therapy and a few waves to clear the cobwebs.
Well what can I say...my most recent entries are starting to sound like a Ma weather service update, but this weather is sooo frustrating. I spend all winter looking forward to being outside...fishing...surfing...being at the beach...or just plain going for a run on the beach after a long day at work. Now today it has been pouring since early a.m. The road is washed out...
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You're lucky though that you live so close to the ocean. I envy you! It's been raining soooo much lately though.. it's starting to get to me. I'm more of a winter/fall girl but even I would be okay with blasting summer heat and sun at this point.
I can't believe how perfect the day is.....I had breakfast on the deck looking at an osprey fish.....finally it dove down at a tremendous speed and with a splash hit the water....flapping its wings it emerged with what looked like a 18 inch striped bass.....it struggled mightily to gain altitude.....the fish flopping in it's talons. Suddenly she seemed to flip mid flight and the striped...
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well I was drunk...it must've been my reaction to the fish story. I guess i was speachless but wanted to say something to show I was here and read the blog. confused
2 "bullets" a new "cyber flicker" since my old one died (it was working fine, then I must not have shut it off all the way and it didn't work the next time I tried to use it). and a waterproof bullet.