Descartes (famous french Mathematician) thought apes and monkeys could talk perfectly well, but that they only did so in secret as they were afraid we would make them work
I have a dodgy foot... so dodgy it almost looks zombified... now did i get my foot like that... fuck knows.
All i know is years ago i had lovely feet! feet a woman would be proud of owning... but now i have this (see pictures below).It appeared during the time I worked on the deli in Tesco years ago and had to wear steel...
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All i know is years ago i had lovely feet! feet a woman would be proud of owning... but now i have this (see pictures below).It appeared during the time I worked on the deli in Tesco years ago and had to wear steel...
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That is the foot of the undead for sure. Sorry it's giving you trouble.
As for Ubuntu, I'm actually really loving it. A lot of the ways that I interface with it make a lot more sense. Some parts of it seem a bit silly, but they're not really annoyingly silly. as much as it's just like...oh, well, that was pointless.
I also like the openness of it.
But most of all, I love it for not being Windows 8.
As for Ubuntu, I'm actually really loving it. A lot of the ways that I interface with it make a lot more sense. Some parts of it seem a bit silly, but they're not really annoyingly silly. as much as it's just like...oh, well, that was pointless.
I also like the openness of it.
But most of all, I love it for not being Windows 8.
ew. may your feet be well soon
Random fact i heard on Radio 4 this morning
"Of the over 200 countries in the world.. how many have Britain NOT invaded?"
Answer: 22
"Of the over 200 countries in the world.. how many have Britain NOT invaded?"
Answer: 22
O.o damn
On the advice of a few SGers i started watching Twin Peaks... now i never watched this first time round (i would have been 8-9 too young) and since then the name always reminded me of Peak Practice and thus i thought same of this show.. until a few years ago i caught a "top 100 tv show" thing on TV and it mentioned how...
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i miss the 90s cause i felt invisible
pretty cool. strange <3
Love her!
Sitting in the back row.... tonight with my lady friend. Off to see Looper as she has a major crush on Bruce Willis... yes ..well
As for me i went for my run this morning, really went for it and came back and totally phased out... 3 hours later i awoke and i still feel groggy now... damn this exercise thing, its not good for...
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As for me i went for my run this morning, really went for it and came back and totally phased out... 3 hours later i awoke and i still feel groggy now... damn this exercise thing, its not good for...
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