impulse purchase today..
cheesey or sleazey? (i'm aiming to enhance my sleaze-ability)
got a cocktail & dinner event to attend tonite in the heart of the san pornando valley. we're supposed to be celebrating the favorable ruling by the federal district court for the western district of pennsylvania in the extreme associates case but in reality things may be taking a cautionary tone after the senate judiciary committee hearing that took place earlier today.
paying no heed that he's just another piggy sucking at lady porn's tit (see: previous entry), the honorable senator sam brownback presided over a hearing where a series of lawyers recommended that the justice department launch a wide range of obscenity prosecutions. probably means that there's plenty to keep me busy in the near future. so while the event tonite was meant to take a celebratory tone, we're probably going to have to circle the wagons and get ready for another judicial tongue-lashing by the moral high grounds.
seeing as tonite's event is 'for senior executives only', i'll be dining and imbibing with <<name dropping>> from wicked, and <<name dropping>> from vivid, and assorted other names to be dropped at a later date. one name that i will not withhold is lou sirkin, porn defender extraordinaire. now i may be the big porn defender in certain (smaller) circles, but mr. sirkin is the motherfuckin obi wan kenobi of porn defense.
on the flip side of all this political pressure that's being applied, it appears that the almighty dollar is deciding the push back. yesterday's new york times reported thatsex-related shops are making a comeback in times square. evidently, the only merchants that can afford to pay the high commercial rents in the region are those that slang dildos and dp videos.

cheesey or sleazey? (i'm aiming to enhance my sleaze-ability)
got a cocktail & dinner event to attend tonite in the heart of the san pornando valley. we're supposed to be celebrating the favorable ruling by the federal district court for the western district of pennsylvania in the extreme associates case but in reality things may be taking a cautionary tone after the senate judiciary committee hearing that took place earlier today.
paying no heed that he's just another piggy sucking at lady porn's tit (see: previous entry), the honorable senator sam brownback presided over a hearing where a series of lawyers recommended that the justice department launch a wide range of obscenity prosecutions. probably means that there's plenty to keep me busy in the near future. so while the event tonite was meant to take a celebratory tone, we're probably going to have to circle the wagons and get ready for another judicial tongue-lashing by the moral high grounds.
seeing as tonite's event is 'for senior executives only', i'll be dining and imbibing with <<name dropping>> from wicked, and <<name dropping>> from vivid, and assorted other names to be dropped at a later date. one name that i will not withhold is lou sirkin, porn defender extraordinaire. now i may be the big porn defender in certain (smaller) circles, but mr. sirkin is the motherfuckin obi wan kenobi of porn defense.
on the flip side of all this political pressure that's being applied, it appears that the almighty dollar is deciding the push back. yesterday's new york times reported thatsex-related shops are making a comeback in times square. evidently, the only merchants that can afford to pay the high commercial rents in the region are those that slang dildos and dp videos.
dig the glasses.. but not sleezy at all, imho.