it looks like i will be joining the ranks of the gainfully employed very soon. the agreement has been signed and all that remains is one sweet, final week free from the bondage of obligation and schedules. i had initially planned to look for work in the new year but an opportunity came along that couldn't be denied. since graduation is right around the corner and behind the same corner lurks school loan payments, only a damn fool would reject the offer i received. i mean, how often does one ask for and receive the compensation package they requested?
as much as i'm looking forward to cashing my signing bonus and phattie paychecks, the job itself is an amazing opportunity. i'm able to leverage my entertainment industry experience--mainstreain, not the porn stuff--and use some of what i've picked up as a post-grad student. the material and duties of the job happen to interest me and i've already got some ideas as to how to grow the business. although my employer sees it in me (otherwise i don't think i would've gotten the job), when i look in the mirror i don't see the worldwide motion picture group director of home entertainment insights.
what bothers me most is the feeling that i'm losing my subversive side. does ascending to the executive ranks make me a sell out? maybe not as much as the black eyed peas but i think there's a risk of becoming one of "them" and no longer one of "us." in the end i guess progress is progress no matter what form it takes. and it is up to me which changes occur and to what degree.
as much as i'm looking forward to cashing my signing bonus and phattie paychecks, the job itself is an amazing opportunity. i'm able to leverage my entertainment industry experience--mainstreain, not the porn stuff--and use some of what i've picked up as a post-grad student. the material and duties of the job happen to interest me and i've already got some ideas as to how to grow the business. although my employer sees it in me (otherwise i don't think i would've gotten the job), when i look in the mirror i don't see the worldwide motion picture group director of home entertainment insights.
what bothers me most is the feeling that i'm losing my subversive side. does ascending to the executive ranks make me a sell out? maybe not as much as the black eyed peas but i think there's a risk of becoming one of "them" and no longer one of "us." in the end i guess progress is progress no matter what form it takes. and it is up to me which changes occur and to what degree.
go with it and congratulations!