"Everytime I look in the mirror...
I can't believe how awesome I am."
-Some girl's t-shirt today
I couldn't sleep last night because I was nervous about fight class for self defense- our teacher and his pals get in pads and gear and attack the students in different scenarios. Nervousness aside, I did awesome! I was in a rape scenario and I kicked the guy's ass. Take that, patriarchical rape culture! The only problem is, I'm a little overconfident now. I might just randomly attack any guy that looks at me sideways.
In other news, my current crush asked me if I was going to drag king show tonight. Of course I didn't end up going cuz I had all this homework and plus- what the hell am i supposed to wear? Do I have to dress like all the fratboy wannabe girls on my campus, or do I have to be super girly? (not a good look for me. )
This butch-femme bullshit is too much, but everyone seems to buy into it, and if you don't everyone assumes youre straight. Well, I do have a boyfriend after all..
I'm going to figure all this out and write a book about it.
One more thing- I watched Coal Miner's Daughter today, best movie ever. I think I am secretly meant to be a honky tonk star. That will get me chicks for sure.
song of the day: Tears for Fears- Head Over Heels
I can't believe how awesome I am."
-Some girl's t-shirt today
I couldn't sleep last night because I was nervous about fight class for self defense- our teacher and his pals get in pads and gear and attack the students in different scenarios. Nervousness aside, I did awesome! I was in a rape scenario and I kicked the guy's ass. Take that, patriarchical rape culture! The only problem is, I'm a little overconfident now. I might just randomly attack any guy that looks at me sideways.
In other news, my current crush asked me if I was going to drag king show tonight. Of course I didn't end up going cuz I had all this homework and plus- what the hell am i supposed to wear? Do I have to dress like all the fratboy wannabe girls on my campus, or do I have to be super girly? (not a good look for me. )
This butch-femme bullshit is too much, but everyone seems to buy into it, and if you don't everyone assumes youre straight. Well, I do have a boyfriend after all..
I'm going to figure all this out and write a book about it.
One more thing- I watched Coal Miner's Daughter today, best movie ever. I think I am secretly meant to be a honky tonk star. That will get me chicks for sure.

song of the day: Tears for Fears- Head Over Heels
the sexual politics of meat? Is that just a good read in general or is it specifically a good vegan read like the title suggests? It just caught my eye...